  • 期刊


The Relationship between Service Encounters Elements, Consumers' Authenticity Perception, and Customer Reaction in Service Encounter: A Study of the B&B Industry




This study explores the relationship between service encounter elements, consumers' authenticity perception, and customer reaction. The study targeted at Bed and Breakfast (B&B) lodgers in Hualien County and 384 valid questionnaires were obtained for structural equation modeling analysis. The finding suggests that (1) customer cognitions regarding the service encounter elements (service employee performance, physical surroundings, and positive interactions with other customers) positively affect consumers' authenticity perception, (2) consumers' authenticity perception has a significant positive influence on experiential values, customer satisfaction, and loyalty, and (3) experiential values mediate the relationship between authenticity perception and customer reaction. The findings of the present study have practical implications for B&B practitioners.


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