  • 期刊


Whoever Finishes Will Be a Winner! Recreational Triathletes' Experiences of Competition Participation




The purpose of this research was to deeply depict and interpret the phenomena of outdoor recreational sport for recreational triathletes' experiences of competition-participating process through linking literature review and other participants' point of views. Qualitative approach was taken to achieve the research purpose. Research participants were 28 recreational triathlon competition finishers. Data were continually collected through two steps by the methods of "in-depth interview" and "focus group interview" and then analyzed content to generalize results. As the results, recreational triathlon participants' experiences of competition-participating process were concluded for three stages with nine main concepts. Three stages were: 1) "Preparation before competition" with experiences of serious leisure, recreational specialization and active meditation; 2) "During the competition" with experiences of pain and anxiety, overcome the adversity and flow experience; 3) "After the competition" with experiences of in good health, positive relief and inspirations for life. According to the results, suggestions for following researches and implications for management were also provided as reference for promoting future recreational triathlon sport participation.


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