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Western Philosophy of History and Confucianism





In order to compare ideas of history in different cultures, one must consider the cultural traditions from which these ideas originated and developed. Insofar as Chinese and Western cultures are concerned, it is necessary that we do not ”essentialize” either Western or Confucian philosophy of history. In China, for example, there was a clear distinction between classical Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism; whereas, in the West, ideas of history took different forms in different historical periods. We must therefore avoid the teleological approach, which tends to characterize past historical culture from a modern perspective. Nevertheless, we might still be able to posit three major differences between Chinese and Western ideas of history. The first is religious. Unlike Confucianism that searches for an ideal past, Judeo-Christian tradition believes in the fulfillment of history, which was translated into the idea of progress in the modern age. The second is about the socio-political influence in historical writing. In contrast to the Chinese tradition in which history was often an official enterprise, Western historiography appeared more pluralistic and critical. The third is that in the Western tradition, systematic logic and rational thinking characterized its conception of history, whereas in China, rational and scientific, thinking is more or less a modern development in historiography.


PeterBurke,Burke(1999).Westliches Geschichtsdenken, Eine interkulturelle Debatte.
Benjamin A.Elman,Elman(1984).From Philosophy to Philosophy: Intellectual and Social Aspects of Change in late Imperial China.
Gardiner, Charles S.(1961).Chinese Traditional Historiography.
Georg G.Iggers,Iggers(1997).Historiography in the Twentieth Century: From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge.
Koselleck, Reinhard(1985).Futures Past: On the Semantics of Historical Time.


