  • 期刊


The Evolution of The Classic of Filial Piety: Elementary Education and the Shaping of Women


本文主要探討《孝經》做為蒙學和女教教材的情形,兼論《孝經》文本在中國歷史上的變化。全文從一史料現象談起,即男女傳記明載傳主接受《孝經》的數量,在歷時性變化上呈現逆反的趨勢。婦女傳記的情形呼應著我們的預期,顯示宋代以降有愈來愈多士人家庭以《孝經》教育女兒,同類史料在元明以降更激增;男性傳記卻相反,唐以前的記錄比元明以降更多,顯示《孝經》在近世逐漸淡出士人傳記書寫。本文試圖從《孝經》文本性質的變化,對此現象提出解釋,並探討《孝經》與近世蒙學和女教的關係。全文分為三部分: 第一部分除了說明男女傳記資料記載傳主閱讀《孝經》的數量差異與變化外,也討論婦女與士人家庭教育、《孝經》與女性傳記書寫的關係,說明傳文中標榜婦女閱讀《孝經》等儒家正統典籍,除了記實,更具有象徵女德的意涵。 第二部分比較唐宋以前和元明以後《孝經》相關的史料內容,分析《孝經》文本性質在不同時代的變化。唐宋以前,《孝經》在政治與士人文化中佔有重要的地位,頻繁出現在政治禮儀、教化、朝議辯論、宗教禮誦、驅鬼、醫療等場景,也與文人自我表述、警誡與書寫密切相關,展現多元豐富的樣貌。元明之後的《孝經》史料在樣貌上明顯較單純,但做為庶民教化與女教的史料大增,顯示該書已逐漸從朝廷政治核心舞臺淡出,轉向地方庶民教化的領域,主要以蒙書的姿態出現。因此,《孝經》在近世以士人為主的男性傳記中隱微化的現象,應反映著該書在政治與士人教育中地位的變化;而造成這種變化的主因之一便是《孝經》不再做為科舉的必試科目。 第三部分繼續討論《孝經》在明清蒙學中的地位。將首先說明研究傳統中國蒙學的困難與限制,再嘗試從兩個比較宏觀的角度-朱子理學所構想的為學次第及其影響,以及蒙學教材不斷推陳出新所造成的市場競爭-說明在近世較開放而多元的蒙學環境中,《孝經》所面臨的競爭及其維持不墜的原因。


孝經 蒙學 女教


This article discusses the roles The Classic of Filial Piety played in elementary and female education, as well as the evolution of the text in Chinese history. The article is divided into three sections. First, I point out an interesting phenomenon revealed in historical records. Namely, the way in which female biographies indicate the increasing importance of The Classic of Filial Piety in female education during late imperial China. Interestingly, male biographies demonstrate the opposite trend. Mentions of The Classic of Filial Piety in male biographies are more popularly seen in records before the Sung dynasty. Based on more than two hundreds records, I also discuss certain aspects of female education in literati families, and analyze the patterns of biographical writing. The Classic of Filial Piety often appeared in female biographies along with The Analects and The Biographies of Women (Lie Nu Zhuan), which, in addition to delineating the facts, served primarily to indicate the moral characters of the biographees. Second, I provide some explanations for the aforementioned phenomenon revealed in historical records. I suggest that this phenomenon does not reflect the actual reception of the text, but rather a change in its status. Based on an investigation of historical records related to The Classic of Filial Piety in Chinese history, which I searched using the Scripta Sinica Database, I found that the text that played a significant role in political culture before the Sung become mainly a primer after the Southern Sung and Yuan Dynasties. Even though as a primer it might have reached a larger audience, the marginalization of the text in political and elite circles caused it to figure less prominently in male biographies. Finally, I discuss the role The Classic of Filial Piety played in elementary education during late Imperial China. I point out how the Neo-Confucian educational proposals and gradually competitive environments in the market of education caused The Classic of Filial Piety to cease to be the most significant or popular primer. Even so, it continued to occupy a fairly important position in elementary education; its rich historical heritage prevented it from a total decline. I also offer three early-Qing cases to illuminate how the state and literati would promote the The Classic of Filial Piety along with their political and educational agenda.




