  • 學位論文


Mourning and Reinstatement of Song Dynasty Officials

指導教授 : 梁庚堯


丁憂是儒家認為人子實踐孝道的重要方式,但一直到東漢才開始漸受重視,至唐代制度正式確立,其發展和士族社會的形成密切相關。宋以後,庶民社會形成,很多官員是平民出身,並沒有丁憂的習慣;此外,大部分官員在守喪時是沒俸祿的,不像士族有有莊園和家族的經濟支持,守喪的客觀環境變得很困難。所以本論文嘗試探索丁憂制度在宋代存在的原因,以及它是如何因應客觀環境的變化? 首先,考察丁憂和起復制度的建立與調整,仁宗朝是關鍵。在慶曆二年(1042)宋夏戰爭結束前,政策考量往往是現實政治、軍事需求先於孝道教化。之後,受儒學復興影響,需要持服的官員越來越多,且丁憂逐漸被視為是接受儒家教育官員的象徵。 其次,分析官員對丁憂和起復制度的看法及實踐情形,會發現宋代一直有將起復視為皇恩和忠君的觀念。到南宋,文臣堅持守制、拒絕起復的聲浪漸占上風。但相反的,軍職武臣卻易遇到忠、孝衝突的問題,如果拒絕起復,則可能被定位為「不忠」、「以私害公」,更突顯丁憂作為身分認同的特徵。 最後,探討宋代官員的居喪觀和居喪生活。有宋一代,多數官員較重視丁憂的公領域,對居喪生活沒什麼規範。北宋雖有一些領導儒學復興運動的官員開始重視居喪生活,但影響力相當有限。隨著道學興起,越來越多官員關注守喪時的居處、服飾、飲食和活動,並認為接受儒家教育的官員應該遵守這些規範。


丁憂 起復 居喪生活 儒學復興 道學 忠孝


Confucianism believed that mourning was the important way for sons to practice filial piety. However, the mourning began to get attention during the Eastern Han Dynasty and established formal system since the Tang Dynasty. Its development process was highly related to the formation of Chinese Medieval Aristocratic Families. The society of commoner had been formed since the Song Dynasty and many officials were commoner. They did not have the tradition of mourning. Besides most of them got no pay during the 27 months of mourning. In contrast with them, the Chinese Medieval Aristocrat before the Song Dynasty could get financial support from the manor and family even though there was no salary for them. So this thesis will study the reasons why the mourning could exist in the Song Dynasty and how it was influenced by the change of the environment. At first, the establishment and adjustment of mourning and reinstatement rules were examined. The Renzong’s period played an important role. Before the end of Sung-Xia war in 1042, the political environment and the military demands took priority to the filial piety when the government made policy decision. However, due to the development of Confucianism during the Song Dynasty, the officials who needed to mourn become more and more. And gradually mourning was deemed as the standard behavior of scholar-officials. The second, the officials’ thinking and practicing related to mourning and reinstatement are analyzed. It can be found that reinstatement was deemed as the grace of the emperor and the loyalty to the emperor. During the Southern Song Dynasty, it became the mainstream that the civil officials insisted on mourning and refusing reinstatement. On the other hand, the military officials easily suffered the dilemma of loyalty and filial piety. If they refused the reinstatement, they might be deemed as disloyalty or making sacrifices to nation’s security. This situation highlighted that the mourning was deemed as a symptom of scholar-officials’ identification. At last, the mourning thinking and living of the Song Dynasty officials were discussed. In the Song Dynasty, most officials emphasized on public field of mourning, and there were few rituals for mourning living. Although some officials of the Northern Song Dynasty who lead the development of Confucianism began to place importance on mourning living, but they made limited influence. As the Dao-Xue thrives, more and more officials paid attention on the living place, behavior, costume, foods, and activities of mourning. They thought that the scholar-officials should follow these rules.





