

Librarians can benefit from an analysis of management style in several ways. First, this analysis will help them to understand, predict, and react productively to the behavior of their managers. Second, it will help them to make educated guesses about what working conditions will be like in a particular library. Third, it will enable them to understand the ways in which their own management behavior influences the people around them. Drawing on Blake and Moulton's ”Managerial Grid”, the author looks at four management styles: Authority-Compliance Managers, Team Managers, Country Club Managers, and Impoverished Managers. Authority-compliance managers seek to maintain tight control over their librarians and over all decision making processes. Team managers sincerely believe that organizational goals are best met when everyone in the organization has decision making input. Country club managers believe that their job is to maintain a workplace environment in which everyone feels good about their place in the organization. Impoverished managers have essentially stopped working and are ”retired on the job”.


Bechtel, Joan M.(1994).Collegial Management: Principles and Practice.Library Administration and Management.8(1),21-34.
Blake, Robert R.(1964).The Managerial Grid.
Bogue, Grady E.(2000).Readings on Leadership in Education.
Euster, Jonne R.(1987).The Academic Library Director: Management Activities and Effectiveness.
Lichtenstein, Art A.(2000).Participatory Management: A Critical Look.The Journal of Library Administration.31(1),29-40.


Wang, I. J. (2008). 小兒異位性皮膚炎之環境因子及生物標記 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.02534
