  • 期刊


The Pleasures of Reading Mystery Fiction and Mystery Readers' Book Selection Behavior




The mystery fiction is a popular pleasure reading genre in Taiwan. This article describes a grounded theory study that explored the reading pleasures and selection behavior of mystery fans. Based on the in-depth interview with 21 engaged mystery readers, this study identified seven types of reading pleasures, i.e., a sense of achievement from puzzle solving, feelings of amazement from the revelation of truths, satisfaction of curiosity for the unknown, a sense of compensation from seeing justice, senses of empathy and sympathy from identifying with the story characters, and the reflection of the social issues and values raised in the stories. The charms of mystery fiction may be systematically described by following four of Hudson's (1910) conceptualization of fiction elements: i.e. the plot, characters, time and place, and the author's view of life prevailed in the stories. In regards to readers' selection behavior, this study identified four selection approaches commonly used by the experienced readers to discover works that possibly meet their expectations, i.e., the subgenre-oriented, author-oriented, series-oriented, and story-oriented approaches. In addition, six factors may influence readers' selection of works, i.e., availability of expert comments, trust and confidence in the publishers, book award information, adaptation into movies or television, quality of translation, and first impression of the physical books.


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文化部(2013)。2013出版年鑑。台北市=Taipei:商周編輯顧問公司=Business Weekly a division of Cite。
冬陽(2016年7月28日)。昔日出版統計、即將出版書訊〔部落格文章〕。檢索自http://blog.udn.com/wintersun/5025116【Wintersun. (2016, July 28). Xiri chuban tongji, jijiang chuban shuxun [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://blog.udn.com/wintersun/5025116 (in Chinese)】
