  • 期刊


The Argument Context and the Interpretation of Classics of Hu Wei's Clear Recognition of the Diagrams in the Book of Changes




河圖 洛書 徐善 通志堂經解 揲蓍


A Clear Recognition of the Diagrams in the Book of Changes by Hu Wei is a famous study of the Book of Changes in the early Qing dynasty. Modern scholars evaluate A Clear Recognition as an indirect cause of the rise of new academics. This paper analyzes its historical role by examining Hu's academic career and A Clear Recognition's argument features and interpretation of Chinese classics. Compiled by Xu Qian-Xue and Na-Lan Xing-De, the Commentaries of Chinese Classics from the Coherent-Aspiration Hall includes various commentaries of Book of Changes studies other than Zhu-Xi's, which brings the controversy of Book of Changes diagram book studies back into focus. As a researcher in Xu Qian-Xue's private bureaucracy, Hu has many discussions with his colleague Xu Shan, and this leads to the composition of A Clear Recognition. Hu analyzes the commentaries of A Clear Recognition and takes the view that the Yellow River Diagram and the Luo River Diagram originate from the theory of the five elements and the nine squares that has prevailed in the Han dynasty. He also deems that that the Prior Eight Trigrams is probably closely related to the Kinship of the Three or the internal alchemy in Daoism later than the Eastern Han dynasty. He sharply criticizes the correctness of the five elements, the nine squares, the Yellow River Diagram, and the Luo River Diagram. He considers the Kinship of the Three, the internal alchemy interpretation of the Book of Changes, and the Prior Bagua Diagram as supplementary commentaries of the Book of Changes. In his concepts, the diagram-book interpretations can partly be accepted. On the other hand, this paper explores the concept of A Clear Recognition and the relationship between Hu Wei and Zhu Xi's theories. The commentary Zhu makes on the Xi-Ci Commentary's terminology taiji 'supreme ultimate,' liang-yi 'two forms,' si-xiang 'four phenomena,' and ba-gua 'eight trigrams' explains both diagram drawing and divination. Hu opposes the diagram drawing part but reinterprets the Xi-Ci Commentary with Zhu's stalk divination method. He also makes a new interpretation of the Taking Jia Diagram Theory on the basis of Zhu's exposition. A Clear Recognition shows that Hu does textual research on the Yellow River Diagram and the Luo River Diagram and criticizes the theories in the Han dynasty. But when it comes to the Prior Bagua Diagram, Hu's interpretation is influenced by Zhu X. Therefore, Hu should be considered as a transition figure in the history of Book of Changes studies.


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