  • 期刊


The Core Concept of The Great Learning Studies in the Late Ming Dynasty Transferring from "Exploring Knowledge to the Utmost" to "Knowing Where to Stop": A Discussion Centered on Huang Jiu-An and Li Jian-Luo




黃綰 李材 知止 致知 大學


In the trend of the Wang school's interpretation of "knowing where to stop" in the late Ming dynasty, Huang Jiu-An and Li Jian-Luo developed an interpretation system as a successive argument. This system was a new trend of review, correction, and reconstitution toward the development and shortages of the Wang school. Huang and Li coincidentally set the noumenon on this system, reversed the "knowing where to stop" concept into the basis and the start of practice, and used it to rule practices such as exploring knowledge to the utmost. In particular, Li’s belief of "the nature as essence and the mind as function" regarded "stop" as the mark of returning to one's nature. This along with the convergence of the ideological trends about the nature in the late Ming dynasty symbolized a change of research style where the nature displaced the mind and became the noumenon. In terms of mental structure, Huang focused on the substantial content of "no discrimination between rational principle and vital energy" on the basis of "the mind is the rational principle." Li deemed that the mind had to follow the nature and the rational principle to serve, with intention, knowledge, being, home, country, and the world, as a channel for implementing heavenly principles. Each one of these started from the thought of the practice theory, with an intention to balance the defects of the infinite expanding function of the mind. In terms of the core of practice, they all supported the syncretization of both the inner and the outer as the path of practice through the noumenon layer represented by "stop." They also guaranteed the tendencies of statecraft implementation with the content of noumenon.


明•王陽明:《王陽明全集》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1997 年 8 月。
明•王畿著,吳震編校整理:《王畿集》,南京:鳳凰出版社,2007 年 3 月。
明•黃綰:《明道編》,北京:中華書局,1983 年 6 月。
明•黃綰著,張宏敏編校:《黃綰集》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2014年12月。  明•黃綰:《石龍集》,明嘉靖原刊本,微捲M 005457101。
明•李材:《見羅先生書》,《四庫全書存目叢書》子部第 12 冊,據無錫 市圖書館藏明萬曆刻本影印。
