  • 學位論文


A Study of Legend of the Tang Dynasty "A Story of Qiu Ran Ke" and Korean "A Story of Hong Gil-dong"—Take two stories as the discussion text

指導教授 : 周德良


小說《洪吉童傳》與《虯髯客傳》皆為在當時深受到大眾歡迎的名作,直到如今也依舊廣為流傳,經久不衰。《洪吉童傳》是朝鮮最早的國文小說,該英雄小說主要以對嫡庶之分的憤恨和對貪官汙吏的揭露為主題。小說以洪吉童為故事主角,塑造了他反對嫡庶差別,並致力於推翻腐朽的封建制度的人物形象。 《虯髯客傳》则是中國唐傳奇中最有名的文學小說之一。它是唐末杜光庭創作的唐代傳奇小說,以楊素寵妓紅拂大膽私奔李靖的愛情故事為線索,描寫了有誌圖王的虬髯客在「真命天子」李世民面前折服並出海自立的故事。雖然兩部作品創作的國家和作者不同,但兩部作品都描寫了當時混亂的社會狀況,並且人物形象、故事整體脈絡以及故事反映的思想內涵存在較大的相似性。 為了分析比較兩部作品的思想內涵及異同點,筆者分別對兩部小說的創作時代背景、人物形象特點、整體故事脈絡以及故事中的儒家與道家思想內蘊進行了分析比較,通過比較發現洪吉童與虯髯客這兩個人物的思想都混合了儒家與道家思想的內核,既有儒家「三綱五常」王權至上的思想,也有道家「無為而治,道法自然」超脫的境界,作者許筠與杜光庭將自身成長中的歷史背景以及所聞所感貫穿在了故事人物身上。反映了當時人民在社會動蕩之下對王權穩定的強烈渴求。 本論文通過對《虬髯客傳》和《洪吉童傳》的比較,對虬髯客與洪吉童人物反映出的人物特點做了新的解讀,從新的視角探究儒家與道家思想對中國和朝鮮古代文學作品的影響。中韓兩國文化中的代表作《虬髯客傳》與《洪吉童傳》這兩部小說中蘊含了當時的社會文化的內涵。並且,通過對兩部作品中所蘊含的思想的比較研究,給我們現代人帶來壹些啟示,值得我們學習。作品中所展現的儒家的思想以及道家思想的內涵,將帶給人類永恆的價值。


The novels "A Story of Hong Gil-dong" and "A Story of Qiu Ran Ke" were masterpieces that were well received by the public at that time, and they are still widely circulated and enduring. "A Story of Hong Gil-dong" is the earliest Korean novel in Korea. The hero novel mainly focuses on the resentment towards the close descent system and the revelation of corrupt officials. The novel takes Hong Jitong as the protagonist of the story, and shapes his character image that opposes the differences of close descent system and is committed to overthrowing the decaying feudal system. "A Story of Qiu Ran Ke" is one of the most famous literary novels in Chinese Tang legends. It is a legendary novel of the Tang Dynasty created by Du Guangting at the end of the Tang Dynasty. It uses Yang Su's love prostitute Hong Fo to boldly elope to Li Jing's love story as a clue, and describes the story of Qiu Ran Ke, a man of ambition, who surrendered himself in front of Li Shimin and became independent finally. Although the two works are created in different countries and by different authors, both of them describe the chaotic social conditions at that time, and the overall context of the story of the characters and the ideological connotation reflected in the story are quite similar. In order to analyze and compare the ideological connotations and similarities and differences of the two novels, the author analyzes and compares the overall story context of the characters in the creation background of the two novels and the connotation of Confucianism and Taoism in the stories. Through the comparison, it is found that the thoughts of Hong Gil-dong and Qiu Ran Ke are both mixed with the core of Confucianism and Taoism, both of which are Confucianism's "Three Principles and Five Virtues" kingship supremacy, as well as the transcendence realm of Taoism's Governing by Doing Nothing That Goes against Nature and Letting Thing Take Their Own Course. The authors Xu Jun and Du Guangting put the historical background and feelings of their own growth into the characters of the story. It reflected the people's strong desire for the stability of kingship under social turmoil. Through the comparison of "A Story of Qiu Ran Ke" and "A Story of Hong Gil-dong", this paper makes a new interpretation of character characteristics reflected by characters of Qiu Ran Ke and Hong Gil-dong, and explores the influence of Confucianism and Taoism on ancient Chinese and Korean literature from a new perspective. "A Story of Qiu Ran Ke" and "A Story of Hong Gil-dong, two representative works of Chinese and Korean culture, contained the social and cultural connotations of that time. In addition, through the comparative study of the thoughts contained in the two works, it brings us some enlightenment for modern people. It is worth learning the Confucian thought and the connotation of Taoist thought, which will bring eternal value to human beings. The connotation of Confucianism and Taoism expressed in the works will bring eternal value to human beings.


(漢)董仲舒:《春秋繁露》,(臺北市 : 藝文印書館,1966 年)。
(漢)班固撰;(唐)顏師古注:《漢書》(北京:中華書局,1997 年)。
(漢)司馬遷選;蕭楓編:《史記》(西安:西安出版社,2009 年)。
