  • 期刊


The Practice of Guan School in the Late Ming Dynasty: Taking Feng Shaoxu as the Focus for Discussion




關學 心學 未發 馮從吾 以理為宗


Based on the pluralistic propositions in Feng Shaoxu's works, this article conducts research on Guan School's new types of justification for the integration and diversification of pluralistic thinking in the context of ideological history in the late Ming dynasty. The author provides an in-depth and comprehensive discussion on Feng Shaoxu's theory and examines how he extended the debates of good and evil to the proposition of the differences between Confucianism and Buddhism. In addition to discriminating the disadvantages of "no good" from "no evil" based on the geological and cultural background in Guanzhong area, the article analyzes Feng's ideas regarding thoughts and righteousness in Guan School. The main reason for adopting Feng's as the analytical case is that Guan School was one of the trendsetters in the late Ming dynasty. Most of related research focuses on the "reconciliation between Zhu and Wang" or "Guan School becoming a school of the Mind." Few geological and cultural characteristics of Guan School are mentioned. Such imbalance, however, neither corresponds to Feng's Hengchu's heritage nor explains why he turned to the base of Zhongyong (Doctrine of the Mean), reflecting on the rationality of "no good and no evil" in terms of Wang School's theoretical system from the perspective of Luo School. This article brings out a new understanding to the ideological and cultural aspects of Guan School in the late Ming dynasty, and explains how Feng borrowed from the theories of Guan, Luo, Zhu, Wang, and Zhan. Feng thus built a new theoretical framework in a systematic thinking through the major argument of "reason as objectives." The practices of Guan School not only maintained part of ideology and culture in Guanzhong area since Hengchu but also actively opened a new course in response to the contemporary study.


唐•李翱:《李文公集》,收錄於《四部叢刊集部》,上海:商務印書館,1936 年,據上海涵芳僂借江南圖書館藏明成化乙未刊本景印,第159 冊。
(1983).文淵閣四庫全書.臺北=Taipei:臺灣商務印書館=The Commercial Press, Ltd..
