  • 期刊


The Meaning of The Doctrine of the Mean's "Sincerity" Discourse from the Viewpoint of Thought History: Also on the Pedigrees of the "Sincerity" Discourses of The Doctrine of the Mean, Meng-Zi, and Xun-Zi




先秦儒學 〈中庸〉 孟子 荀子 「誠」


With three aspects, this article analyzes and discusses the meaning of The Doctrine of the Mean's sincerity discourse from the viewpoint of thought history. It expounds and proves that the sincerity discourse of The Doctrine of the Mean is an original text of Confucian sincerity discourse and deduces that The Doctrine of the Mean is a Confucian text of the earlier period of pre-Qin. First, based on the special form of The Doctrine of the Mean, it investigates the book's internal organization formed with its sincerity discourse. The article discovers how the scholars of Zi-Si's school developed a self-cultivational and political discourse that regarded "sincerity" as the "Dao" through quoting Confucius's teaching words "the mean" and "the sacrificial etiquette / King Wen's and King Wu's governances." Second, based on the part of King Wen's poems quoted in The Doctrine of the Mean, it explores the trajectory of the Zhou dynasty's political evolution. It clarifies how the scholars of Zi-Si's school responded to the political situations of the early and middle stages of the Warring States when "King Wen's and King Wu's governances" lost their functions. They used the model of "extreme sincerity" to interpret King Wen's virtues and respond to the new political situation at that time. Third, based on the development process of pre-Qin Confucianism, the article scrutinizes the central ideas of the sincerity discourses of The Doctrine of the Mean, Meng-Zi, and Xun-Zi and defines them respectively as the doctrine discourse, the mind discourse, and the institution discourse. It further finds out how the three discourses developed sincerity discourse pedigrees of different theoretical aspects according to the situations of their times. Integrating the results of the analysis on the three aspects, this article concludes that The Doctrine of the Mean is a Confucian text of the earlier period of pre-Qin. Its sincerity discourse is a set of political discourse that the scholars of Zi- Si's school put forward. The discourse is a response to the political situations of the early and middle stages of the Warring States, when the "King Wen's and King Wu's governances" lost their functions. It can be viewed as an original text of pre-Qin Confucian sincerity discourse.


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