  • 期刊


The Gathering and Dispersing with the Thought of Homeland and Imperial Court in Poetry of Drifting by Fang Yizhi




Poetry of drifting was written between the first year of Longwu (the second year of Shunzhi, 1645) and the fourth year of Yongli (seventh year of Shunzhi, 1650) by Fang Yizhi. At that time, Fang Yizhi was displaced in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, and Guizhou. This was also the last poem collection written by Fang Yizhi in the Ming dynasty. The article will discuss four directions. Firstly, it discusses the development of "Sanzi (three men) in Longmian." Fang Yizhi, Zhou Qi and Sun Lin in Tongcheng were named "sanzi" during the period of Chongzhen, but Zhou Qi and Sun Lin did not come to Lingnan afterwards, so they were replaced by Qian Chengzhi and Wu Decao. Secondly, it discusses Fang Yizhi's gathering and dispersing in the drifting years. He met with Xu Ying, Lin Quan and Wu Yizhen during the war, but was parted with Chen Zilong by death. The turbulence and restlessness tangled in the mind of the poet. Furthermore, this article reveals Fang Yizhi's longing for family life by studying his meeting with his wife Pan Di and the youngest son Fang Zhonglu, and his yearning of seeing his family members who were still in his hometown, that is, his father Fang Kongzhao, aunt Fang Weiyi and younger brother Fang Qiyi. Finally, the article discusses his poems to Qu Shisi and the imperial envoy. Fang Yizhi's desire of serving the imperial court, although couldn't be identified easily in these poems, has yet been exerted later in action in his later life.


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謝明陽:〈方以智與龍眠詩派的形成〉,《臺大中文學報》第 44 期(2014年 3 月)。DOI:10.6281/NTUCL.2014.03.44.04
漢•司馬遷:《史記》,北京:中華書局,1959 年。
漢•揚雄著,韓敬注:《法言注》,北京:中華書局,1992 年。
