  • 期刊


The Image Building of the Ways for Living and Rhetoric Strategy in the Poems of Ming Loyalists: A Study on Poems Relating to Medicine, Prophecy, and Sponsorship-Seeking




方文 明遺民 治生方式 自我形象


Ming loyalists frequently faced a desperate problem: how should they make a living? They vividly discussed on methods and values of every possible way for living. Therefore, the following questions are worthy to be further discussed: how did those Ming loyalists convey their moral values in poems that were disputable for living, and thus expressed their “poetic-self”? What rhetoric strategies were used to construct the images of those Ming loyalists? To examine the questions mentioned above, the poems related to medicine, prophecy, and sponsorship-seeking by Fang Wen should be carefully studied. On the one hand, he utilized images relating to herbal and historical metaphors to present self-image of Ming loyalists; on the other hand, he stressed the talented and educated self-portrait and his long-term friendship with the officials, while properly praised the moral values of those officials without being subsequently suspicious of seeking for financial support. As a result, he could maintain a self-image being a civilian with ethic and talent. Based on the above mentioned analysis, the article will be able to specifically reflect the complexity of poems about the ways for living, and the differences from those relevant historical records.


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