  • 期刊


A Study of Wang Guo-wei's Qülu




Qülu is the first monograph written by Wang Guo-wei (1877-1927) after he began the study of Chinese opera, and is of great significance in the development of modern opera's catalogue. It is Wang's mission to improve the status of opera in Chinese literature since he started to study opera, which not only made his study of opera have some literature-centered characteristics, but also prompted him to try to construct the discourse system of Chinese classical opera. In order to achieve this goal, Wang combined the history of traditional Chinese opera and the interpretations of artistic features, and conceals them beneath the compilation and argumentation system of Qülu. From the first edition to final draft, Wang Guo-wei has done a series of text reconstruction work, such as expanding the scope of description, replacing the reference text, adjusting the order of writers, and enriching the detailed catalogue and bibliography, etc. Based on these works, Qülu has been naturally presented as an objective and serialized history of Chinese classical opera. Qülu has a close relationship with Wang Guo-wei's study of Ci, especially his explanation of the "ideorealm" which has become the theoretical fulcrum of Qülu's discussion on the aesthetic taste of classical opera. Qülu has great academic significance in Wang Guo-wei's study on Ci and Qü, and also affected the development of Chinese classical opera's catalogue in the period of Republic of China. The comment, supplement and continuation of Qülu as important phenomena during this period also accelerate the classicalization of Qülu.


後晉•劉昫:《舊唐書》,北京:中華書局,1975 年。
宋•陳振孫:《直齋書錄解題》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1987 年。
元•鍾嗣成:《錄鬼簿》,中國戲曲研究院主編:《中國古典戲曲論著集成》,北京:中國戲劇出版社,1959 年,第 2 冊。Zhong, S.-Ch. (1959). Lu gui bu [The book of ghosts]. Beijing: Chinese Drama Publishing House. (Original work published in the Yuan dynasty).
元•鍾嗣成:《錄鬼簿》,黃仕忠主編:《日本所藏稀見中國戲曲文獻叢刊(第2 輯)》,桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2016 年,影印東洋文庫藏王國維鈔本,第 29 冊。
元•周德清:《中原音韻》,中國戲曲研究院主編:《中國古典戲曲論著集成》,北京:中國戲劇出版社,1959 年,第 2 冊。

