  • 期刊


A Textual Study of the Confucian Classic Zhongyong




中和 中庸 辯證


In this article I aftempt to make a philological investigation of the structure and meanings of the Confucian Classic Zhongyong, commonly but mistakenly translated as Doctrine of the mean, with an aim to show that this work, by all accounts the most abstruse among the early Confucian Classics, is actually a magnificent piece of philosophical essay on the dialectic of moral progression. It pays an impassionate tribute to the glory of the Way of the Sage (Shengren zhi dao), the ultimate attainment of a Confucian moral journey. Under my textual and exegetical treatment, Zhongyong turns out remarkably to be cohesive partwise and coherent over the whole text (with just minor readjustment of a few passages) as well as executed with great literary and rhetorical skills. I also discuss the problem of dating the work, concluding that it must have been completed during the Qin dynasty (BCE 221-206), thus manifesting a truly great achievement done by faithful followers of the Zisi-Mengzi School (Si Meng xuepai) of the period of the Warring States.


Zhonghe zhongyong dialectic cheng the sage


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