  • 期刊


The Aesthetics of Responding to and Waiting for Things: The Relationship Between Body and Things in Music Education in the Pre-Qin Dynasty




致物 應感 反躬 性情論 樂記


This article, based on the enlightening music in ancient ritual, hopes to think about how the ideal of the sage king's "attracting things" in music was transformed into the theory of "waiting for things" and "responding to things" during the Warring States Period. This article will explain the sage kings in ancient rituals who acquired knowledge through music, and then transformed it into "things come and make perceptions come," as well as the cultivation and education methods of "being cautious about the feelings of things" when dealing with things. This article hopes to demonstrate the cultivation and positive aesthetic significance of the transformation of the theory of waiting and responding for things. This article firstly uses music education-related documents in Guoyu, Zuozhuan and Zhouli to illustrate the background of music that induced hundreds of things in ancient ritual, and explains the proposition of harmony among heaven, earth and people. Secondly, the relationship among "things," the way of heaven, and earth is explained based on the "waiting for things" and "moving by feelings" in Yueji and "Xing zi ming chu" in the unearthed documents. Thirdly, the article will illustrate the theory of self-cultivation in the context of waiting and responding to things. Fourthly, the article explains the meaning of learning and self-cultivation of the responding things. Finally, the article briefly explains the influence of the theory of "waiting for things" and "responding to things" in music education on the tradition of lyrical aesthetics.


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