  • 期刊


An Investigation on the Syntax and Interpretation of the Character "□(gǎn)" in Oracle Bone Inscriptions with Discussion on its Sequence of Character Development




甲骨 掩捕


This article thoroughly collates the textual examples of "□(gǎn)" in oracle bone inscriptions. It analyzes the structure of sentences, compares the categorization of different fonts in different generations, and exhaustively discriminates between the related sentences as well as their verbal properties. Finally, it confirms its function as a transitive verb, rather than a resultative verb, in terms of syntax. Then based on the classification of the verbal properties, this article presents a synthetic review of related scholarly arguments and concludes that "敢(gǎn)" is the most common interpretation of this character so far, although its form and meaning are still pending. Chronologically categorizing the character's different structures, this article points out that not until its component of "hunting gear" evolved from inverted to orthographic way of writing did it become formally interchangeable with "中(zhōng)" and "史(shĭ)." In the Western Zhou dynasty, the character "□" transformed from a hunting- or military-related verb to a modal. The evolution of its meaning affected its structure. The change of the inverted "豕(shĭ)" indirectly led to the errant variation of associated components. As "□" was errantly written as "口," the former has ergo lost its referential basis for restoration and undergone gradual symbolization due to the errant variation of other components. In addition to confirming "□" as "敢(gǎn)," this article echoes some scholars' interpretation of "奄(yǎn)," a hunting-related verb originally meant "capture." It also meant "surprising attack" or "surprising seizure" according to different objects when it was used as a military-related verb. Moreover, this article indicates that "厭(yā)" (i.e., attacking the enemy off guard) was an appropriated character in the literature by reference to its pronunciation.


oracle bone gǎn surprising seizure


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