  • 學位論文


Research on the divination inscriptions about war incised on oracle bones:Cases of the Bin Group, Chu Group, and Li Group

指導教授 : 徐富昌


甲骨卜辭是今日可見的殷商信史之一,其內容涵蓋甚廣,但總的一切仍是收攝在「占卜」的本質上。雖然殷人常針對許多生活面向進行卜問,不過這些卜問卻可能只是殷人部份的歷史,透露的訊息雖見零星分散,但藉由統整梳理,仍可相當地拼湊出某塊的殷商史實。 本論文擇取「戰爭」進行探究,此部份材料又以武丁至祖庚、祖甲時期的資訊最多,故將範圍縮限在以貞人劃分的群體──賓組、歷組、出組之中。這三個組別相互疊合,其間涉及到歷組的斷代問題,故藉由戰爭面向的討論,從中挖掘有關斷代的訊息。 文中以方國、封地的區分進行探析。方國相對於商王是個獨立的個體,但是封地則屬於商王權力可達之地。因此首先就賓、出組中相關的方國、封地做整理,其中依照地望的區塊作為劃分,界定當時殷商的地理情勢,於各方國、封地的討論中,將近人的成果一併予以蒐羅、分析,其中包含字形、地望、卜辭繫聯等部分,之後也在這些部分上提出自己的理解與論點。 第四章則納入歷組卜辭相關的方國、封地來作比較,從中揭示了二者間存在許多方國名稱的疊合。而部分二者名稱不同者,經由地望、文字分析等方式,間接可以得出不同的二者卻指同一方國的現象。藉此推定歷組屬於早期的結論。 第五章界定了方國、封地之後,進而繫聯征伐的人物,區分為武丁早期至中期、武丁中期至晚期、武丁晚期至祖庚、祖甲等三期,從中舉出「雀」、「沚 」、「畢」三人作為三期的主要人物,以此繫聯了相關方國、封地。於其中得見在這個時期中,武丁早中期多屬封地的征伐,中晚期至祖庚、祖甲時期則轉向方國的征戰,正突顯了「先安內後攘外」的趨勢,也間接證明典籍提及的「武丁中興」。 第六章藉由戰爭刻辭中涉及的祭祀進行討論,共整理出「告、求、匄、祼」等祭祀動詞,又以「告」為最大宗,而「燎」則只能視作處理牲品的動詞。不過,藉由「燎」則能推知軍事方面的祭祀還是存在牲品使用,只是在多半的戰爭刻辭中被省略了。此外,戰爭刻辭的祭祀對象存在著偏好,多以殷史上武功強盛的君王為主,如上甲、大乙、大甲、祖乙、武丁等。此章尚就「某受某又(祐)」的句型進行討論,提出此蓋為求取敵方之神明的庇祐。 第七章整理戰爭刻辭中的相關動詞,其以「某伐」作為開頭,詳細說解「某伐」的句例。之後,依照戰爭的進程,先就命令類動詞展開,以徵集、組織類的動詞作為接續,接著統整偵查、回報類,以此開始戰爭的前奏,即以趨向類帶出征伐、侵略類,以及追擊與防衛類,最後以翦滅類代表戰爭的結束。而於戰爭之後,尚存有俘獲、獻俘等動詞。文內一一就動詞本身說解,進而採用或提出某一解釋。 第八章以目前賓組、出組、歷組中涉及的軍事儀節進行整理,梳理出當時戰爭的禮儀,如選將、命將,還有振旅、載神主等,也許這些儀節未必為每場戰爭皆出現,但是確實為殷商當時曾經存在的方式。藉由綜合統整的方式,以此凸顯當時軍事的梗概。 憑藉著這一連串的討論,大抵可以得見當時戰爭的面貌與地理情勢。從中也突顯殷人往東方、東南拓墾的野心,還有對西北方國的抵抗,進而造就了殷人一時武功強盛的新氣象,當然這時期的君主──武丁,是個不可缺少的人物,具有在位長,又有振興的魄力的特色,由安定內部諸侯到征戰各方,使殷文化開展出當時廣闊的版圖。


甲骨 戰爭 賓組 出組 歷組


The oracle inscriptions imply the authentic history of the Shang Dynasty available nowadays. Most of them functioned as divination in spite of their rich contents. Although Shang people practiced divinations on various issues, these divinations might represent only a part of the history of the Shang Dynasty. Besides, the messages revealed from the oracle inscriptions were fragmental and sporadic. Nevertheless, by contextualizing these messages, we can still demonstrate the history of the Shang Dynasty to a certain degree. The investigation of this dissertation concentrates on the subject of war. In this regard, the materials during the reigning periods of Wu Ding, Zu Geng, and Zu Jia contain the most abundant information of wars in the Shang Dynasty. This situation confines the scope of this dissertation to the groups categorized according to the names of augurs, including the Bin group, the Li group, and the Chu group. The three groups overlapped with one another, and the dating of the Li group is problematic. Therefore, this dissertation also tries to dig up the information regarding the dating of the Li group from the investigation of the subject of war. This dissertation aims at defining the geographical sphere of the Shang dynasty. Firstly, it examines the distinction between states and feudatories. States were relatively independent from the Shang Emperors, while feudatories were territories to where the power of the Shang Emperors was able to reach. Secondly, this dissertation sorts out associated states and feudatories mentioned in the Bin and Chu groups according to the geographical blocks. In addition to the author’s understandings and arguments, this part also collects and analyzes previous research findings regarding the characters of words, the political geography, and the conjunctions of oracle inscriptions in the discussion of the states and feudatories. Chapter four compares the states and the feudatories mentioned in the Li group. On the one hand, it reveals the overlap of the names of many states. On the other hand, we can infer indirectly that those states with different names actually refer to the same one according to the analysis of words and political geography. This chapter concludes that the Li group belonged to the early period of the Shang dynasty. After a clear definition of states and the feudatories, chapter five correlates the figures in the wars. It divides the history into three periods, namely, from the early to the middle periods of Wu Ding, from the middle and the late periods of Wu Ding, and from the late era of Wu Ding to Zu Geng and Zu Jia. This chapter points out that Que, Zhi Fa, and Bi were the main figures in respective period, and thereby correlates them to their associated states and feudatories. It demonstrates that wars in the early and middle periods of Wu Ding were mostly towards feudatories, while the wars in the latter two periods were mostly towards states. This exactly manifests the trend of “firstly maintaining domestic peace and then resisting foreign invasion.” It also indirectly proves “the resurgence of Wu Ding” recorded in ancient literature. Chapter six discusses relevant consecrations through the oracle inscriptions on wars. There were four verbs regarding consecration, namely “proclaim, pray, beseech, and libate.” Among these verbs, “proclaim” was the most commonly used one, while the verb “burn” could only be treated as one that deals with the sacrifices. Nevertheless, we can infer that the Shang people still used animal sacrifices for military consecrations from the verb “burn.” What is worth noticing is that the oracle inscriptions about wars usually omitted the verb “burn.” In addition, the receivers of consecrations in the oracle inscriptions about wars demonstrated specific preference. Most of the receivers were the emperors with strong military forces in the Shang Dynasty, such as Shang Jia, Da Yi, Da Jia, Zu Yi, and Wu Ding. This chapter also discusses the sentence pattern of “X is blessed by Y,” and argues that it implies praying for blessings from the god of the enemy. Chapter seven collects and analyzes relevant verbs in the oracle inscriptions about wars. It starts with the term of “someone attacks” and elaborates on examples of the sentence that adopted the term. This chapter then unfolds with different kinds of verbs according to the proceedings of war. More specifically, it unfolds with command verbs, followed by recruitment and organization verbs, and then reconnaissance and report verbs. These verbs represented the prelude of war. it subsequently proceeds with the verbs containing the meanings of intention, campaign, defense, and pursuit and attack. The verbs containing the meaning of annihilation represented the end of war. Furthermore, there were verbs about capture and giving prisoners in the aftermath of the war. In this chapter, the author will elaborate on these verbs one by one and then adopt or propose a specific explanation. Chapter eight collates the military rituals mentioned in the Bin, Li, and Chu groups, and thereby sorts out the etiquette of war at that time. These rituals include the selection and designation of officers, military training, and carrying the god. These rituals indeed existed in the Shang Dynasty even though they might not appear in every war at that time. This chapter demonstrates the scenes of military affairs in the Shang Dynasty by collecting and synthesizing the afore-mentioned rituals. To sum up, we are able to grasp the proceeding of wars and political geography in the Shang Dynasty through the investigation of this dissertation. This dissertation also demonstrates the ambitious expansion of the Shang people towards the east and the southeast, as well as their resistance against the states from the northwest. This indicates a strong military force of the Shang Dynasty. The Emperor Wu Ding was indispensible to the creation of a powerful nation at that time. He was in power for a long time and showed great resolution in resurgence. He stabilized the feudatories and conquered foreign states, and thereby spread out the Shang culture to a vast territory.


Oracle bones Wars Bin Group Chu Group Li Group


陳 槃:《春秋大事表列國爵姓及其存滅表譔異》(臺北:中央硏究院歷史語言硏究所,1997)
王明珂:〈什麼是民族:以羌族為例探討一個民族誌與民族史研究上的關鍵問題〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》65本4分 (1994),頁989-1027。


何贊勝(2016)。武丁時期甲骨卜辭占辭研究──以師組、賓組、出組、歷組、花東H3 子組為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201601312
