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An Analysis of the Scholia Terminology from the Mao Commentary: A Discussion of the Changes in the History of the Scholia Terminology




The Mao commentary is representative of commentary of Book of songs. However, since the Song dynasty, there were doubts about the principle on "the exegesis does not break the commentary" (shu bupo zhu), and scholars in the Qing dynasty had discussed it. Only in recent times some scholars begun to consider that the principle is only a general one, not an example of the interpretation for the body of the exegesis of characters meaning. Each school's opinions are mainly from the views of the Classics. However, how the explanation of Chinese characters inherited or broke through the old ideas at the inner context level of scholia, especially how the exegesis itself was gained or lost due to changes, has always received little attention. Therefore, this article will focus on deepening the features of the scholia research methodology. This article will discuss six essential terms of the Commentary: "it works as" (dang wei), "it works doing" (dang zuo), "it is read as" (du (dang) wei), "its reading says" (du yue), "it is read like" (du ru), and "the saying of" (zhi yan). The results show that the terminology of Kong's Exegesis (shu) and Zheng's Notes are roughly the same, but slightly different. Then, based on the same cases, it can be observed that the cases in Exegesis generally follow the meaning of the terms of the Notes. However, each term has more or less overflowed from the framework of Zheng's Notes and changed according to its meaning. This fact should be attributed to the fact that Kong's Exegesis shows autonomy in scholia terminology and it can be used to investigate the origin and evolution of terms from the Han and Tang. However, from today's point of view, Duan Yucai's and others' opinions do not fully conform to the usage of Han commentaries but are closer to the usage of Tang exegesis or can be seen as a general statement of Han and Tang terminology. So the next step should be to confirm that the exegesis of characters in the Tang may follow the exegesis tradition in the Han and that should be no difference. For this reason, the Han studies merged the two styles of the Han and Tang dynasties and thus formed a unique "Han studies" in the Qing dynasty. Since the scholia terminology was still in the initial stage in the Han dynasty. Names and meanings were not fully established, and mixed uses of them were inevitable. During the Tang dynasty, the Exegesis style established the meaning of the traditional terminology for the exegesis of characters. In the Qing dynasty, the meaning and function of the terms from the Han dynasty became clearly defined.


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