  • 期刊


Fragments or Foretelling: On the "Misplaced Anecdotes" in the Zuozhuan and the "Notation of Antecedents" in the Commentary of Du Yu




《左傳》 杜預 翁方綱 俞樾 張本


One of the most debated inconsistencies between the Zuozhuan and the Chunqiu Annals is that some anecdotes in the former do not have corresponding accounts in the latter, leading some to argue that the Zuozhuan was not initially meant as a commentary on the Chunqiu classic. Scholars who are concerned with this issue, such as Du Yu, Weng Fanggang, and Yu Yue, have proposed various terminologies and theories to address this discrepancy. The article explores these theories by focusing on two main aspects. Firstly, Du Yu introduced two terms, "Zhangben" and "Wei (sth.) zhuan," to explain the Zuozhuan anecdotes that are not present in the Chunqiu Annals. This article examines more than 200 accounts. It concludes that the term "Zhangben" primarily refers to the connection between different anecdotes within the Zuozhuan narrative. In contrast, the term "Wei (sth.) zhuan" indicates that the commentaries were intended as a foretelling for the later Chunqiu records. These terminologies demonstrate Du's clear understanding of the relationship between Chunqiu Annals and Zuozhuan. Secondly, Qing scholars Weng Fanggang and Yu Yue theorized that the ancient copy of the Zuozhuan was not yet combined with the Chunqiu Annals and that Du was the first scholar to separate the Zuozhuan and attach it to the Chunqiu records. They believed that the Zuozhuan anecdotes without Chunqiu counterparts were merely misplaced fragments and that Du's terminologies were used to cover up these mistakes. This article challenges the above theory by examining Du's commentary and the manuscript of Zuozhuan stored in the Kanazawa-bunko Library. The evidence suggests that Du was likely not the first one to attach the Zuozhuan anecdotes to the Chunqiu, and that Weng's and Yu's theories overlook the distinction between Du's terms "Zhangben" and "Wei (sth.) zhuan," leading to invalid conclusions.


Zuozhuan Du Yu Weng Fanggang Yu Yue "notation of antecedents"


張高評:〈書法、史學、敘事、古文與比事屬辭:中國傳統敘事學之理論基礎〉,《中國文化研究所學報》第 64 期(2017 年 1 月)。DOI:10.29708/JCS.CUHK.201701_(64).0001
晉・杜預注,孔穎達等疏:《左傳正義》,臺北:藝文印書館,1976 年,據嘉慶 20 年江西南昌府學《十三經注疏》本影印。Kong, Y.-D., & Du, Y. (Annot.). (1976). Zuozhuan zhengyi [The commentary of Zuo with annotations]. Taipei: Yee Wen Publishing Co., Ltd. (Original work published in the Jin and the Tang dynasties)
