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Conducting Economic Diplomacy-The Aspects and Challenges of China-ASEAN Economic Cooperation




Economic relations between China and Southeast Nations have greatly expanded due to several factors. In addition to a mutual desire to expand markets, there has also been a strategic motive to stabilize political relations. China's activism conducting economic diplomacy and statecraft with its adjacent countries has been a primary impetus, aiming to improve its political and economic security. The aspects of China's economic diplomacy with Southeast Asia include a reliance on multilateralism, more on the basis of the " ASEAN plus X" model, to promote trade-related cooperation. Furthermore, China prefers bilateral and unilateral channels to conduct finance-driven investment and construction cooperation. In some instances, China has also resorted to economic sanctions and unilateral pressure over its neighboring countries. In assessing the political and economic effectiveness of China's multifaceted economic diplomacy in the area, the domestic and regional strategies pursued by many Southeast Asian countries have imposed challenges to China. Southeast Asian nations remain concerned about asymmetric economic dependence, which has led to domestic opposition, economic diversification, and multi-front cooperative policy schemes with other competing countries. This paper will apply the concepts of economic diplomacy and security to analyze the aspects and challenges facing China-Southeast Asian economic cooperation.


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