  • 期刊


"Targeted Trade Sanction" and the Effect of Restraining Technological Progress: the Cases of the US-China Trade War




The Sino-US trade war started due to the trade deficit. To solve the trade deficit, the US imposed balancing tariffs on Chinese exports and required China to open its market to US capital and companies. However, as the incident progressed, the US strategy shifted from balancing the deficit to protecting intellectual property rights and prohibiting forced technology transfer. The United States has begun to maintain its technological superiority as its main task. Therefore, it needs to suppress China's competitive industrial projects and crack the strategy of "market for technology". This article uses the framework of the "New-New Trade Theory" to analyze the "targeted sanctions" adopted by the United States and explores the US's "targeted sanctions" by comparing cases such as "ZTE", "Fujian Jinhua", and "Huawei", to discuss how the US's "targeted sanctions" suppress the mainland's technology research and development capabilities, and how China uses government subsidies, industrial plans, and market demand to protect its strategic industries. This article will finally explain the US trade sanctions on mainland China's related industries The inhibitory effect and influence of technological progress.


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