  • 期刊


Government IT Outsouring Review and Suggestion


隨著資訊科技的快速發展,政府為了加速應用資訊科技在相關的服務,提出了資訊委外方案,並於民國八十三年二月訂定了「各機關資訊作業委外服務實施要點」,以加速政府各機關資訊化之程度。 推動資訊委外的原因,大概可分為四點:一、人力不足;二、欠缺資訊科技技術或經驗;三、成本考量;四、解決政府無法提供全年無休相關的資訊服務。利用委外服務,可以節省大量的人力與教育訓練費用,利用委外的方式,達成最小投資與最大效益之目的。行政院研考會為了因應自民國八十九年網路快速興起所造成的網路與資訊化效應,更在民國九十一年十一月頒布了行政院所屬各機關資訊業務委外服務作業參考原則,讓政府機關電子化程度深化,並與數位台灣相關計畫內容相銜接,讓台灣電子化政府相關的國際評比都有不錯的成績。 但伴隨著資訊委外相關的問題層出不窮,而資訊系統委外開發的過程中發生問題的比例,從九十四年的78%增加到九十七年的91.22%,幾乎政府每十件系統開發案,僅有一件是可以順利執行完畢,也可以發現隨著資訊系統委外開發的過程中,政府資訊人員與資訊系統開發廠商間,對於資訊系統上開發的認知產生了落差。再依據美國CIO Council於2006年進行的資訊人員能力評估研究中,將資訊人力面向畫分標準,可看出資訊人力評估研究中,美國政府對於資訊人力也做了新的定義,對於資訊人員在於資訊系統上開發/管理上的重視程度可伴隨相對應指標得多寡可以探得一二。 為了解資訊發展與政府資訊人力執掌轉變對於政府資訊委外的影響,本研究先就資訊委外政策面與學研界關注問題出發,再以資訊人力核心能力異動為觀點,探討在經過長期資訊委外後所面臨之問題,並提出相關的建議與改善方法。


With the rapid development of information technology (IT), the IT outsourcing projects method is used in the government to enrich the IT application in government service. For increasing the Information extent in government, Taiwan Executive Yuan set the ”the main points of information operations outsourcing services in organizations” in Feb. 1994. The reasons of the government promotion in IT outsourcing can be broadly classified into four points: First, lack of IT employees; Second, the weakness of IT skills or experience; Third, reduce the budget in IT; Fourth, providing information service day or night. With the IT outsourcing services, the budget in IT employees and training cost can be reduced. Hence, it can get the better benefit in the government budget. The Research Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC), Executive Yuan set the ”the guide of IT outsourcing service for the department belong to Executive Yuan” in Nov. 2002 in keep with the rapid development in networking service and Information Technology from 2000. By using the guide, the government makes it easy for creating the IT service. Hence, the ranking for E-government in Taiwan is often gets the nice scores. However, the issues occur along with the IT outsourcing. In IT development outsourcing process, the ratio when IT outsourcing problem happened is from 78% in 2005 to 91.22% in 2008. Almost 10 IT development outsourcing projects just have one success. The misunderstanding in IT outsourcing project can also be found between the IT employee in government and the PM in company. Based on the CIO Council of the United States in 2006 carried out research to assess the capacity of information officers, the capability of IT is redefined. The capability of IT employees is more complicated than before. The role in IT development and management is reduced by the change of the indicators of IT core competence. In order to understanding the influence of the change of IT core competence for the government IT outsourcing, this study will discuss the policy of IT outsourcing first. And then the method of reference survey is used to know the problems in IT outsourcing projects. The influence of IT core competence changes and the problems of IT outsourcing will also be mentioned. Finally, the suggestions of policies and the IT outsourcing will be shown.


陳書紳(2011)。利用科技框架模式探討大型資訊系統委外- 以賦稅再造資訊系統為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.01884
