  • 學位論文


The Role of E-Government for disaster management through the Information Platform --the Case Study of 88 Flood in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉淑惠


颱風,乃是台灣最常見的天然災害之一,2009年8月6日,中度颱風莫拉克侵襲台灣,重創台灣南部地區,產生了相當嚴重的災害,其災害規模之大,乃形成台南、屏東、高雄南部多縣市的村里被滅村、土石流掩埋的情況,造成相當大的傷亡,被稱之為八八水災。然而,在面對災害來臨之時,政府本身所組成的中央緊急應變中心對於救災資訊掌握及救援調度和綜合災情通報呈現,都在這次八八水災之中,受到相當大的考驗,其中被嚴重詬病的就是在通訊不靈的問題。 相對於政府在通訊上所產生的問題,民間對於無法從政府方面得到所需的災情提供與通報,乃紛紛自行設立救災網路資訊平台進行災情通報與志工、物資的招募,充分展現出了網路世界的資訊快捷與無遠弗屆的力量,但仔細探究政府本身亦從事電子化政府資訊工作十多年,在其國際評價上亦有相當良好口碑,但政府本身的網路資訊能力及網路資訊平台卻無法在此次八八水災之中展現其網路的效率與效能,其原因何在?此外,在此次八八水災的救援通訊,民間團體的網路救援力量形成了特殊的連繫與救援發佈的資訊管道,對於政府結合民間力量是否是未來救災資訊網路運作一個好的方向?其未來電子化政府的救災資訊平台又該如何去做?都是本研究探討之處。 本研究同時採用文獻分析法、線上觀察法及深度訪談法,以八八水災為個案進行深入探討,藉由各種不同的相關文獻、民間網路資訊平台的功能建置及深度訪談八八水災相關學者、專家、政要的不同意見匯整並找出相關答案。具體而言,本研究針對我國電子化政府目前運用於防救災資訊的不足進行檢討,並對於未來電子化政府運用於防救災資訊平台的規劃進行探討,同時亦對民間力量與政府協力合作於資訊救災的未來可行性及做法提出意見,並提出相關建議,以供未來相關研究者及實際運作者做為參考。


Typhoon is the most common natural disaster in Taiwan. August 6, 2009, Typhoon Morakot invaded Taiwan and battered southern Taiwan, resulting in a very serious disaster. The disaster scale is formed in Tainan, Pingtung, Kaohsiung and southern counties of the village. Those areas were destroyed by landslides, causing considerable casualties, is called 88 Flood. However, when the disaster approaches, the Central Emergency Measure Center which is organized by the government was not work. In 88 Flood, the governmental management of comprehensive disaster was not very well. The most criticized by people is the information system about disaster not working. Relative to government communications issues, people cannot get information about disaster from the government and also cannot update information to the government, they starting to have their own online information platform for disaster mitigation and recruiting volunteers, materials and it showed the information network is so fast and it has far-reaching power. The government has been engaged in promote E-government for over ten years, it also has a very good public praise in the world. However, we can’t see any advantage of e-government in 88 Flood. What is the problem? Furthermore, In the 88 Flood of rescue communications, some of private web sites formed a special rescue forces and links for information release in a few minutes. Is it a good way for the government and non-profit organizations to set up a partnership of disaster mitigation in the future? How the disaster mitigation information platform by E-government should be done? All of these are the issues in this study. This paper reviews a variety of related literatures, online observation and depth interviews to probe into 88 Flood for the case study. There are two major findings of this thesis. First, Comparing to private sector, the government lacked of using new IT, like web 2.0, and if the government creates partnership with private sector immediately would be a better way for disaster management. Second, the government should stress the importance of information platform, and modify the disaster management system. The NSTCDR(National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction) should play the central role.




