  • 期刊


A Competitive Model Evaluating Public Service Productivity and Customer Satisfaction under the Electronic Government Policy


我國政府正積極推動政府改造,以「提昇政府行政效率,增加國家競爭力」為指標,電子化/網路化政府為推動重點工作,其中因戶政管理資訊為國家重要資訊且與人民生活密切相關,戶政電腦化首先於民國86年完成。推行電子化/網路化政府政策時,除須提昇行政機關周邊技術與服務方式,一套客觀衡量行政機關生產力的方法亦屬必要。本文介紹戶政電腦化內容,提出應用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA),包含量化與質化、結合效率與效能變項之整體生產力的衡量方法,對台北、高雄二市進行於民國84年至民國87年,戶政事務所生產力分析之實證研究,除探討行政電腦化之功效,同時比較兩市市民對於該項服務品質的滿意度,與分析民眾滿意度與生產力衡量結果發生落差的原因,並發掘影響戶政機關生產力“非資訊技術”層面之結構與管理方面等因素。


Government Service Network (GSN), the system promoting integrated automation of public services and implementing interorganizational information networks, is newly developed in Taiwan. This paper discusses an empirical study that employs Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to evaluate productivity of civil services, household registration offices (HRO), in Kaohsiung and Taipei. Factors including HRO inputs and other non-discretionary socioeconomic factors are included in the DEA model. The results of this study indicate that the DEA approach is not only a helpful alternative to traditionally used Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) but also a practical decision tool in allocating resources among these offices in order to achieve higher productivity.


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