  • 期刊


Economic Development Strategies in the ROC and PRC: Government-Enterprise Relations




Both sides of the Taiwan Strait have maintained independent sovereignty for fifty years, competing in the political, economic, and social realms. This paper undertakes a comparative analysis between the ROC and PRC, comparing evolution of the government-enterprise relationship. In the first thirty years, the PRC adopted a command economic system, with so-called ”enterprise” being only a ”branch” of the government. During the past twenty years, and even under the policy of economic reform, the basic ole of most of state-owned-enterprises (SOEs) did not change, therefore meaning no sound relationship has existed between government and enterprise. However the reform of SOEs in China is just in the initialstages, thus the normalization of the relationship between government and enterprise needs watching in the future. Comparing this to the case of Taiwan, we find that the KMT government has gradually moved its hand off of Taiwan's enterprises. In the early development stage, the government enjoyed many instruments with which to interfere with both public and private enterprises, either directly or indirectly. After a long process of economic liberalization and privatization, the government has finally begun to play the role of game-ruler and let the enterprises compete with each other based on market mechanisms. We can conclude that the gap between the ROC and the PRC in the domain of government-enterprises relation reflects the gap of economic development between both sides of the Taiwan Strait.


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