  • 期刊


Defining Poverty in Yongshuen County: Local Agency in the Western Hunan Anti-Poverty Campaign





貧窮 扶貧 政治學 湖南省 湘西省自治州 永順縣 生態


Poverty is not a subject matter familiar to most political scientists, although their research agenda refers to poverty in one way or another-mostly indirectly. There is no shared meaning of poverty among liberals, Marxists, institutionalists, Confucianists, and socialists. As a result, their approaches to poverty differ from one another widely. This paper reports on field interviews of poverty- eliminating teams conducted in Yongshuen County, Western Hunan. From the interviews, poverty indeed means quite different things when different people on different sites refer to it at different times. Poverty can be indicated by income, life necessity, productive infrastructure, motivation for higher profit and ecological condition. County officials, team members, village cadres and villagers all participate in negotiating the meaning of poverty. The theoretical implication for political scientists is that the state is no longer able to monopolize the poverty discourse.


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