  • 期刊


From "Experimental Field" to "Springing Up all over the Place": A Sociological Neo-Institutional Account of the Diffusion of "Development Zone" in China




Ever since the beginning of the reform era, building development zones to attract foreign capital has gradually institutionalized and become the mainstream strategic choice for many localities in China. This strategy has propelled China's fast economic growth, one the one hand. On the other hand, out of the hunger to develop these zones, Chinese local governments have requisitioned the farm lands and dispossessed the farmers, which led to many protests and social disturbance. Existing analyses mostly examine the diffusion of development models from the perspectives of political economics. The ”local competition” model argues that it is the competition among localities that lead to the ”zone fever”, while the ”segmented deregulation” framework stresses that local governments saw zone building as a critical strategy to internationalize their local economies in anticipating approvals from their superiors in the provincial governments. Both views explain only parts of the social process of institutional diffusion. This paper employs the sociological neo-institutionalism and analyzes the zone fever resulting from institutional diffusion of development zones in China. The legitimacy of the development zone plays a key role in this diffusion process. This paper distinguishes between cognitive and sociopolitical legitimacy -two distinct yet intertwined sources of institutionalization. These arguments are empirically tested by using quantitative as well as qualitative methods. Research found that new institutional sociological perspective gains more support than the other two.


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