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China's New United Front Work in Hong Kong: Observations of Cooptation and Winning the Hearts and Minds of the People




United front work is a long-term strategy implemented by the Chinese Communist Party in Hong Kong to win the hearts and minds of the Hong Kong people. The evolution of united front work progressed in different historical phases, especially before and after July 1, 1997. Its intentions to co-opt more people of Hong Kong and to expand its worldwide contacts are prominent and obvious. The penetrative politics of mainland China are conducted by pro-Beijing organizations. United front work has been well-organized because the pro-Beijing authorities and officials have been investing lots of manpower, capital, and resources to deepen their influence on all sectors of the society. However, the united front work on educational and youth sectors in the civil society has encountered strong resistance. Many Hong Kong people are post-materialists who adhere to their human rights, the rule of law, and transparent core values that they tend to resist united front work that emphasizes materialistic gains and attractions. The pro-democracy movement of Hong Kong is still resisting the central government's control and dominance through its united front work in the territory. China's new united front work in Hong Kong has been affected by its domestic turn to authoritarianism, making Hong Kong's pro-democracy political activists and radicals the enemies of the Chinese state. With the rise of Hong Kong's fierce social and political movements, the strength of China's united front work has been fluctuating, which can be illustrated by the high point from 1997 to 2012, then a phase of authoritarianism in Hong Kong from 2012 to 2018, and a low point with strong resistance in the year 2019 when the anti-extradition movement was launched by many Hong Kong people. It remains to be seen whether or not united front work conducted by China in Hong Kong will penetrate deeper into the society; however, due to the possibility of implications for Beijing-Hong Kong relations from now to 2047, the strong resistance from the people of Hong Kong cannot be ignored.


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