  • 期刊

Isolation, identification and aflR gene analysis of industrial Aspergillus fungi

發酵用黃麴菌類之分離、鑑定及含有aflR 基因之分析研究


本研究自全省各發酵食品廠採集27 件種麴,經分離鑑定後確定其中146 株發酵用菌屬於黃麴菌屬真菌(Aspergillus Section Flavi)。經黃麴毒素產毒力測定後未發現產毒菌株。為瞭解黃麴菌屬真菌之黃麴毒素產生力與aflR 基因之相關性,經PCR 及核酸定序分析後發現十七株抽樣受檢菌株皆含有aflR 基因但卻不具產毒力。多株獲自美國菌種中心(ATCC) 的黃麴菌包括產毒及非產毒菌株經由相同方法檢測後發現皆含有aflR 基因。本研究經由基因分析也發現1995 年Chang 等人所提出之指紋圖譜T-GA-A-*-C 及C-C-C-C-C-T (位於–90, –89, –72, –61, –43 及102) 無法有效鑑別所有黃麴菌屬真菌。


One hundred and forty-six strains of Aspergillus sp. were isolated and identified from 27 commercial koji which were used in producing fermented foods in Taiwan. None was found to produce aflatoxin. The genomic DNA of 17 randomly selected Aspergilli were extracted and amplified by PCR using a pair of primers, which annealed part of the coding region of aflR gene, to investigate whether the non-production of aflatoxin is caused by the absence of an aflR gene. The results indicate that all the examined nonaflatoxigenic isolates contained the regulatory gene aflR. Gene analysis revealed that the two distinct patterns of fingerprints, T-GA- A-*-C and C-C-C-C-C-T at position –90, –89, –72, –61, –43, and 102, described by Chang et al. (1995), could not differentiate all the examined strains that were classified in the Aspergillus Section Flavi.
