  • 期刊


Extract from the Fruit of Evodia Rutaecarpa and Its Role in the Reduction of AP-1 Activity and Cell Transformation in Cancer Cell Lines


活化蛋白-1(Activator protein-1; AP-1)轉錄因子可調控細胞的分裂、分化及轉型,而阻斷AP-1的活性也可以抑制細胞的轉型。在本研究中,利用Chang/AP-1及HepG2/AP-1重組細胞株,來搜尋101種中草藥中可以抑制經12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)所誘發的AP-1活性。我們發現中草藥-吳茱萸(Evodia rutaecarpa)的萃取物可以抗Chang/AP-1細胞的增殖與轉型,並確定能調節Chang/AP-1細胞的AP-1轉錄因子活性。吳茱萸的甲醇萃取物對細胞株的50%抑制濃度(50% inhibition concentration, IC50)爲24.4μg/mL,其亦明顯的降低了在軟瓊脂膠中Chang/AP-1細胞形成團塊的能力。


Objective: The activator protein-1(AP-1), a transcription factor, plays an important role in cell proliferation, differentiation, and transformation. Previous study has indicated that blocking of AP-1 activity is able to inhibit cellular transformation. In the present study, 101 herbal medicines were screened for activity against the 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-induced activation of AP-1 using the Chang/AP-1 and HepG2/AP-1 recombinant cell lines, which are designed for screening potential inhibitors or activators. Here, we report on one anti-proliferative and transformation extract, Evodia Rutaecarpa, an oriental herbal medicine, identified through its ability to modulate AP-1 activation of transcription in Chang/AP-1 cells. The 50% inhibition concentration values of crude methanol extract of Evodia Rutaecarpa was 24.4μg/mL. The ultimate result is that it significantly reduces the ability of Chang/AP-1 cell lines to form colonies in soft agar.
