  • 期刊


Applying Business Intelligence Tools to Improve Blood Components Inventory Management Among Branch Hospitals


血庫庫存若有離末效期太近的血品(近期血),除有報廢風險外亦可能降低輸血效果。台北長庚醫院現況血品庫存由林口總院協助定期調血,然每年有超過1,300袋的近期血未使用又被調回林口,造成醫檢師耗費大量人力及時間處理。探討主因,以往血品需求量評估是採前一年週用量平均來設定庫存上限。此估算方式除耗費人力、時間及發生人工計算錯誤外,也無法反應血品即時用量。因此,我們利用Business Intelligence(BI)工具建置視覺化血品資訊系統,只要於系統選擇適當的血品用量評估條件(日、週、月、季),就能自動計算需求量,除取代手工統計外,亦也可獲得較佳的血品需求量。另外,利用BI工具更容易瞭解用量趨勢變化外,並在庫存到達下限時,自動以顏色提醒進行立即調撥和管制用血。BI商業智慧資訊系統自系統導入後(2020/05-2021/11),月平均近期血從124±33(U)袋/月下降到35±16(U)袋/月,下降率約71.8%。透過系統自動計算方式,醫檢師進行調撥所花費時間從每次25.6分鐘大幅下降至每次5分鐘即可完成,節省約80%的時間。利用BI商業智慧資訊系統除可智能調撥血品及減少作業時間外,亦可輔助血庫醫檢師在用血量評估,並進一步推廣至體系其他院區協助調血量評估,做到精準調撥。


In the blood bank, if a blood product is closed to the expiry date, not only does it increase the risk of being scrapped but it decreases the effect of blood transfusion. Blood components in Taipei Chang Gung memorial hospital are regularly supplied from the Linkou Chang Gung memorial hospital, but more than 1,300 bags of recent blood components are not used and back to the Linkou hospital each year. The main cause of this problem is that the blood demand assessment is based on the average weekly consumption of the previous year to set the upper limit of the inventory. The assessment caused a waste of time, increased manual calculation errors, and was unable to reflect the immediate usages of blood components. Therefore, we apply a business intelligence (BI) tool to build a visual blood bank information system to improve blood components supply among branch hospitals. Not only does this system show the trend of blood usages, but also automatically alerts in color until the blood inventory reaches the lower limit. In conclusion, applying the BI blood bank information system to achieve accurate blood allocation will be more intelligent in blood supply assisting medical technologists to assess the best blood demand. This system has also further been extended to other hospitals to be assisted in blood demand assessment.
