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Sensory Integration Therapy for Learning Disabled


根據吐克等人分別於一九七五及一九八一年在美國所作的調查統計,發現在一般的國小學童中,約有百分之五到十有學習障礙的問題。在國內所做過的非正式的調查,也顯示大約有百分之五的國小學童有學習障礙。目前教育界非常重視這些學童的教育問題,除了設立資源教室,由經過特殊教育訓練的老師給予他們特別輔導之外,並聘請醫學界的人員共同研究如何幫助這些有學習障礙學童改善他們的學習方法。 本研究是採用感覺整合治療的方式,以改善學童基本的學習能力,再配合課業的輔導,希望能夠更有效的幫助學習障礙的學童。所要研究的問題有四:(一)探討感覺整合治療對學童的感覺整合功能的影響。(二)探討感覺整合治療對學童的口腔動作、精細動作及粗動作的影響。(三)探討感覺整合治療對學童視覺動作協調發展的影響。(四)探討感覺整合治療對學童的國語及數學學習成就的影響。




According to Dr. Ayres' theory, one of the causes of learning disability may be sensory integrative dysfunction. Many researchers have proved the effect of sensory integrative therapy on motor performance. However, few have proved the effect on academic performance. In Taiwan, sensory integrative therapy just starts to be used in this field. The author selected 7 pairs of learning disabled students from Her-Tyi public primary school aged from 7 to 9 years old. They were divided into two groups randomly, one accepted sensory integrative therapy, the other didn't. After 3 months' therapy, several hypotheses were tested. They are (1) The sensory integrative therapy has a positive effect on sensory integrative function of the brain. (2) The sensory integrative therapy has a positive effect on oral motor, fine motor, and gross motor skills. (3) The sensory integrative therapy has a positive effect on visual motor integration. (4) The sensory integrative therapy has a positive effect on the academic achievement in Chinese and arithmetic. Results of this study indicated that children of the treatment group progressed more than those of the control group on sensory integrative function, oral motor and gross motor skills, and visual motor integration. On academic achievement of Chinese and arithmetic, inconsistent results were found. It nay due to the original differences between this two groups. Further study with better match of the conditions of the treatment and control groups was recommended.


