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Sex Differences in the Correlations of Daily Affective Occupational Experiences and Subjective Well-Being Measures


職能治療的主要目標是協助人們改善日常活動(daily occupations)的選擇、安排與執行的能力,進而提昇人們的主觀安適感(subjective well-being )。但是迄今,有關日常活動情緒經驗與主觀安適感之關係的研究卻一直不多。本研究比較男性與女性之日常活動情緒經驗、主觀安適感以及此二者之間的相關性。結果發現,男性與女性受試者之日常活動情緒經驗及主觀安適感均無明顯之差異(除自我定位量表(self-anchoring scale)外)。但是,兩者之主觀安適感與日常活動情緒經驗的關係則有顯著的不同。男性受試者之主觀安適感評估可由其日常活動中之快樂時間百分比來預測;而女性受試者僅有負向情緒(negative affect)及情緒經驗評估表2(Affectometer 2)(亦即正向情緒(positive affect)與負向情緒的平衡分數)與其日常活動情緒經臉有關。作者討論造成此結果之可能原因以及此結果在職能治療的應用,並對進一步的研究提出建議。




The ultimate goal of occupational therapy is to enhance the clients subjective well-being through improving their capabilities in selecting, arranging and executing their daily occupations. However, few researchers investigated the relationships between people's affective experiences during daily occupations and their subjective well-being. The present study compared male's and female's affective experiences of daily occupations, subjective well-being measures, and correlations between daily occupational experiences and subjective well-being. No statistically significant differences were found in daily occupational experiences and most of the subjective well-being measures between males and females. However the relationships between daily occupational experiences and subjective well-being measures were different for them. For males, most of their subjective well-being measures could be predicted by the percentages of happy daily occupational experiences. For females, only their negative affect score and the Affectometer 2 score (the balance score between positive affect and negative affect) were correlated with their daily occupational experiences. Possible causes of these differences between males and famales were discussed. Implications for occupational therapy and suggestions for future research were provided.
