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Congenital Talipes Calcaneovalgus: A Case Report




Talipes calcaneovalgus is characterized by the dorsiflexion and eversion of the involved foot. The soft tissues on the dorsal and lateral sides of the ankle are tight and also limit plantarflexion and inversion. In severe cases, the foot may touch the anterial tibia. Talipes calcaneovalgus is caused by the intrauterine malposture. In the case report, an 11 days old infant with congenital talipes calcaneovalgus received about 25-week occupational therapy, including 4-week absence. Occupational therapy provided the following services for his foot deformity: (1) performing massage and stretch for his involved foot; (2) fabricating and periodically correcting his foot splint; (3) instructing his care giver correct splinting procedures and precautions; (4) periodically demonstrating home exercise programs. Because the mother was found uterine leiomyomata during her pregnancy, literature review was performed to understand the relationship between uterine leiomyomata of the pregnant woman and the talipes calcaneovalgus of the newborn infant. No direct relationship was found. The result of occupational therapy was satisfactory. There was no significant difference between his involved foot and normal one at discharge. Even though, this case report still included many limitations.

