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A Study of the Relationships between vocational Placement and Attention of Schizophrenic Patients


本研究旨在探討精神分裂症患者社區就業與注意力之關係,研究對象取自某署立療養院門診74名及復健組78名個案,共計152名。其中無工作者81名,有就業者71名(門診組32名及復健組39名)。人口學資料:年齡平均為35. 89歲,性別男性97名及女性55名,教育程度國中者46名、高中88名及大專18名。發病但平均11.63年。研究工具採用褚氏注意力測驗,研究結果:有工作者注意力得分平均80. 20分,較無工作者58. 85分為優,兩組達顯著差異。分析有工作者注意力評量等級為良好至輕度障礙等級者可從事作業員及一般工作,而落在中度障礙等級者僅能從事一些簡單勞力性工作或由親友提供保護性工作,此項評量準則可供個案社區化就業之預估指標。另分析精神分裂症患者注意力較五常人常模為差,年齡及教育程度變項與注意力有關。性別及發病程變項與注意力無顯著相關。


The study was to inspect the correlation between vocational placement and attention of schizophrenic patients. Total subjects were 152 including 74 outpatients and 78 rehabilitation center patients. Among these subjects, 71were with job and 81 without job. The demographic data showed: 97 male and 55 female; the average age was 35.89; education background: 46 junior high school, 88 senior high school, the other 18 are college and above; all were diagnosed as schizophrenics, average persist was 11.63 year. The research tool was using Chu's Attention Test, according to the results : the patients who had jobs got higher scores in attention than those who didn't have jobs, there was 21.35 points different between two teams. The patients who had jobs got higher scores in attention than those who didn't have jobs, there was 21.35 points different between two teams. The patients who got good to mild defect level can work as an ordinary workers and/or basic jobs, and who got middle defect level who only can do simple jobs or some jobs which provided by relatives or friends with protection. So, this assessment index can be a predict index of the vocational placement. The attention of schizophrenia patients was worse than general population. Age and education background were also showed significant predictor on attention in this study; while sex and onset duration were not.


