  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of the Employment Model of Taiwan, United States of American, Japan and Germany

指導教授 : 張玨


工作能提昇一個人的自尊,對一般人很重要,對精障個案更是重要,不能因病而喪失其工作權。同樣地,這也是人權的一部份,其實精障朋友經過積極治療,症狀穩定,康復之後仍有復健潛能,進入職場。當然,影響精障者社會/職業功能之因素,包括社會烙印、個案認知功能障礙,症狀干擾、人際關係與社會技巧,故較之其他障別而言,精障者之就業率低,且涵蓋就業安置及就業前職能評量與轉介等問題,更值得做進一步的研究分析,也更引人關注。但考慮完整之服務模式,包含就醫、就學、就業與就養之資源安排與分配,以就業一方面層次相當高,故更需階梯式之就業服務模式,由職能治療、活動治療、產業治療、工作訓練、職前訓練、職業復健、職業輔導評量、職業訓練,就業服務、職務再設計、訓用合一,甚至就業追蹤才能穩定持續就業,雇主與家庭支持網絡緊密結合,才能成功。 從內政部資料顯示,慢性精神病患者已每年10%以上之成長,佔身心障礙者人口數為9.24%,但勞動力人口僅佔4.9%, 且其年齡分布在15歲至64歲之間的精障者,佔同年齡之身心障礙者(除了植物人與失智症)為14.29 %,而精障者中適合就業之年齡佔其92.44%,更凸顯精障者就業困境之嚴重性。 而建構一個適宜且合乎時代潮流之精神障礙者,個案就業準備與安置,已是不可不重視的議題。本研究目的在於探討台灣、美國、日本、德國之精神障礙者就業模式之異同及那些國家政策可供本國參考,尤其針對身心障礙者權益保障與政策推動部份。參考其對精神障礙者就業模式之經驗,檢視本國現階段之就業服務型態與內容,提供一個延續性、完整性與本土化之就業模式。 研究方法採文獻研究法(Archival Research),以較宏觀的角度收集,本研究選擇日本、美國及德國之觀點,因日本為我國社會文化相近的鄰近國家,福利體制與民情、文化相近;而美國推動殘障福利及身心障礙者就業體制,一直是本國在政策制訂上之追隨者,而美國的民間團體(NAMI)具有相當高的政策參與之影響力,家屬團結的力量可謂不小,是值得參考。而德國就業模式偏向於庇護工廠之經營及與企業間的結合,而社會福利政策相當鮮明,提供經費支援豐厚,由聯邦政府及地方政府共同合作,尚且其東、西德合併組成新政府,達成「融合」、「平等」之原則,值得學習。 研究結果顯示:從歷史發展四個國家的發展都與醫療發展至社區相關;與種族、 文化、社會、經濟息息相關;民間力量的參與是不可或缺的力量。從立法精神與相關法案得知這些法案之共通點:精障者均為後來才加入, 台灣法案均比其他國家起步為晚,但有急起直追之趨勢; 定額雇用比率較日本及德國低。在各種模式內容之成效評估,國內較缺乏實證研究,可能推動就業模式上,還須跨部會之整合,在主管機構與預算分配上,資源不均。 綜合言之,擬訂國家精障者就業政策,建構本土化之就業模式與流程,來提升就業成功率及維持就業穩定性,且落實精障者之社會復歸,如此,不止可以嘉惠個案及家屬,更可以倡導請雇主在國家政策的鼓勵下,能真正停止排斥、勇於接納,以民間企業的力量,雇用症狀穩定,功能不錯的康復之友,提供適性之就業機會,整合國家與民間之資源,如此一來,更可以減少有些不須長期住院,給予出院準備服務及整體復健系統後,可以適合轉變為生產者之角色。


Employment can increase self-esteem, is important to everyone and especially for mental illness. It’s a basic human-right. The mental illness patient can be employment when they are stable and after rehabilitation. But due to stigma, the employment rate of the mental illness patient is very low. A new module of Employment, integration of vocational rehabilitation, training and supported employment, can increase the employment rate of mental illness patient. The data of government, the new patient of mental illness, is 10% increasing per year. It’s 9.24% in disabled people, the employment rate is only 4.9%. The age distribution is 15-64 year-old, 14.29% of disabled people. It is very difficult for a mental illness patient to have a job. A new module of employment for mental illness patient, including individual placement and support, is very important. We study the employment module of Taiwan, USA, Japan, and German, focus on benefit and policy. The methodology is Archival Research, compare the viewpoint of Japan, USA, and German. The culture and policy of Japan, the benefit of disable person in USA, are also important. The integration of sheltered workplace and enterprise in German, the wellbeing and money support are good enough. Our data revealed the medicare is combined with community, related to race, culture, and economy. The legislation are the same, mental illness patient is latest. The legislation is especially slow in Taiwan, competitive employment rate is lower than Japan and German. A new model of employment, integration of government and community, increasing rate and stability of employment, is important. They could decrease the hospital rate, increasing self-respect, integrated the rehabilitation system and medicare. The employment rate for mental illness patient would increase, especially for competitive job.


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