  • 學位論文


A Research of Employment Status and Quality of Life with the Mild Psychiatric Disabled ─An Example of Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 何華欽


本研究旨在瞭解高雄市輕度精神障礙者的就業狀況、生活品質情形,並探討個人的背景變項是否影響到就業狀況,以及就業狀況是否影響到個人的生活品質之評價。期待藉由研究,除了瞭解目前輕度精神障礙者的就業狀況與生活品質外,可以進一步探討影響輕度精神障礙者的就業與生活品質之因素,作為政府在提供輕度精神障礙者就業服務時之參考。 本研究以民國97年12月底前設籍在高雄市1,728名,18至64歲輕度精神障礙者為研究對象,透過調查法,抽取400位受訪者進行問卷調查研究。經過統計資料分析,茲將研究發現分工作現況、工作現況的交叉分析、生活品質概況及生活品質比較分析等四部份陳述。 本研究結果發現:(1)高雄市輕度精神障礙者就業比率為21%,屬於勞動力人口四成,非勞動力人口近六成;(2)已就業者其行業以服務業為最多,所擔任職務以服務工作員及售貨員為最多,工作年資平均為6.4年,每週平均工時為32.3小時,平均月薪則為15,002元,八成以上滿意目前之工作;(3)無論目前有無工作,有四成以上的受訪者表示需要政府提供就業措施;(4)學歷與證照擁有情形與受訪者工作現況相關;(5)受訪者的生活品質涉及到健康與自我評價上會受到本身的精神障礙與精神疾病之影響;(6)整體而言,目前有工作輕度精神障礙者對於生活品質的評價高於其他無工作者,且工作有無會影響到個人對自我工作能力的看法。 本研究之建議:(1)落實身心障礙者定額進用保障與就業服務政策;(2) 開發適性工作機會。


This study aimed to learn more about the employment status and quality of life with the mild psychiatric disabled in Kaohsiung city. Study that if the personal background variables affect the employment status, and if employment status affects individual’s quality of life. By the research, we do not only expect to learn the current employment status and quality of life with the mild psychiatric disabled, but also explore the factors to impact their employment situation and quality of life . After the study, we could offer the result for the government’s consideration while offering services for the mild psychiatric disabled. We sample 1728 mild psychiatric disabled Kaohsiung citizens aged from 18 to 64 and take 400 of the respondents randomly for a questionnaire survey. After statistical analysis, we divide the study into 4 parts in the followings as working status, working status cross-analysis, quality of life and quality of life comparative analysis. And we figured out some points from this study in the following: (1) In Kaohsiung city, the employment rate of mild psychiatric disabled is 21%. It nearly equaled to 40% for the labor force and 60% for the non-working population. (2) Most of them are employed of the industries of service and act as service offering persons and salespersons. The largest average working life time are around 6.4 years and the average working hours per week are 32.3 hours. The average monthly salary is 15,002 NTD. More than 80% of them are satisfied with the current work. (3) Among the respondents whether they have work or not currently, over 40% of them express the need of government’s assistant for employment. (4) Qualifications and certifications will affect the related working situation. (5) The quality of life of respondents related to the factor of health and self-evaluation influenced by their own mental disorder and or mental illness. (6) Overall, those workers with mild mental problems who will have more evaluation of quality of life than other people without work. And work will affect the individuals for their self-perception. Suggestion : (1) Implement fixed security policy of hiring handicapped workers.(2) Develop appropriate working opportunities.


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