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Perceptions of Employers and Job Coaches toward Factors Affecting Employment for Individuals with Psychiatric Disorders


精神障礙者(以下簡稱精障者)就業率偏低在西方工業化社會是不爭事實,但台灣本土較欠缺探討雇主對精障者就業觀點之研究。因此,本研究的主要目的即是探討雇主及就業服務員(簡稱就服員)對於影響精障者就業因素之觀點差異。依據文獻探討、焦點團體及專家會議的結果,首先編製共37題之「精神障礙者就業障礙因素問卷」,問卷內容共分成四個向度,分別為:「臨床精神狀況」(9題)、「個人能力與傾向」(8題)、「工作行為與態度」(8題),與「社會環境」(12題)。 研究對象為醫療院所、社區精神復健機構中之就服員,及有僱用精障者經驗之雇主。共郵寄出240份問卷,回收175份有效問卷、包括就服員111份及雇主64份(回收率各為94.1%及57.5%)。驗證性因素分析結果顯示:「精神障礙者就業障礙因素問卷」具有單一因素結構特質,問卷內部一致性係數為 0.93,四個向度的α值為0.79~0.84。單因子多變項變異數分析結果發現,雇主和就服員在四個向度的評分,整體而言有顯著差異 (Wilks' lambda=.747, F=14.40, p=.000);就服員較強調「工作行為與態度」的重要性,雇主則偏重「臨床精神狀況」。第二次的單因子多變項變異數分析,亦發現兩組在37個題目的評分上,整體而言有顯著差異(Wilks' lambda=.445, F=4.61, p=.000);而後續的單變項分析顯示,在37個題目中有19個項目達顯著差異。瞭解就服員和雇主對影響精障者就業因素之不同觀點,方能提供適當策略與建議,以成功地協助精障者就業。


Low rates of employment in individuals with psychiatric disabilities are well documented in westernized developed societies. Nevertheless, such research has rarely been reported in Taiwan, much less the employers' perspectives on employment of persons with psychiatric disabilities. Hence, the primary objective of this study was to compare the viewpoints between employers and job coaches regarding factors influencing employment. Toward this end, a 37-item questionnaire was derived from a comprehensive literature review, focus groups and expert panel. It was divided into four subscales, measuring perceived importance of psychiatric symptoms (9 items), person's ability (8 items), work habits/ attitudes (8 items), and the environmental factors (12 items). A total of 240 questionnaires were mailed to job coaches who worked in medical and community mental health facilities and employers who had previous experience in hiring workers with psychiatric disabilities. 175 valid questionnaires were returned, among these, 111 were from job coaches (with a 94.1% return rate) and 64 from employers (with a 57.5% return rate). Results of a confirmatory factor analysis suggested a single factor that subsumed the four subscales in the questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha was 0.93 for the total scale and ranged between 0.79 and 0.84 for individual subscales. One-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) revealed an overall statistically significant difference in mean ratings for the subscales between the employers and job coaches (Wilks' lambda =.747, F=14.40, p=.000). Psychiatric symptoms were perceived by employers as being more important than other three subscales; however, job coaches gave the highest mean rating to the work habits/attitudes in comparison. The second MANOVA also showed a significant difference between those two groups in mean ratings for the items (Wilks' lambda =.445, F=4.61, p=.000). In univariate analyses, 19 of 37 items reached statistical significance. Understanding the perceived facilitators to employment from the perceptions of employers and job coaches provides a good foundation to help address these issues and eventually facilitate sustained employment.


employment job coach employer psychiatric disorders


陳以邵(2014)。以Kinect 結合語音辨識協助精神障礙者備餐工作之研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201400688
