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The Manpower Demand of Occupational Therapy in Medical System of Taiwan


本研究主要目的在預估未來五年及十年後在醫療院所中職能治療人力之需求情形,以利教、考、用等相關單位未雨綢繆,及早因應。以民國 86 年至 91 年的健保責料庫中職能治療利用情形以及我國未來人口推估與結構變化來進行推估。 研究結果發現在醫療體系中職能治療人力之需求,在過去六年中呈小幅度的成長。預估在五年及十年後將分別需要1,428(1183一1795)與l,802(1492一226幼名職能治療師,遠較未來人力的供給量為少。因此預料未來職能治療將會柱醫療體系外之其他體系及社區居家等場所發展。 在職能治療服務的個案種類方面,成人以腦中風及精神分裂症息者為最多,而手外傷、精神官能症、憂鬱症等診斷成長較為快速;小兒方面則以發展遲緩及腦性麻痺的個案為最多,而以發展遲緩與注意力缺損過動症的個案成長較為快速。因此職能治療教育課程除應針對過去較少但成長快速的診斷類型加強學生的訓練外,更須積極配合社會變化的趨勢,調整課程設計及授課內容,以培育出符合社會需要的職能治療人員。考試與衛生主管機關亦應配合實際需要訂定適當的考試制度、用人標準以及規劃在職人員進修課程,以確保職能治療服務品質。


The main purpose of this study was to estimate the demand of occupational the rapist in medical system five and ten years later from now. It is hoped that the findings would assist the education, accreditation of occupational therapist and employment departments could plan or modify their institutions based on the findings. The estimation was based on data regarding occupational therapy (OT) services reimbursed by the Nationwide Health Insurance from 1997 to 2002 and the changes of population construct of Taiwan. The results of this study showed that the demand of occupational therapists in the medical facilities increased slightly over the past six years. It was estimated that approximately 1428 (1183-1795) and 1802 (1492-2265) occupational therapists will be needed in the next five and ten years, respectively. This is far less than the manpower supply. Therefore, it was predicted that the OT service would extend beyond the medical system into community and home care. When considering the clientele, it was found that the demand of OT service for patients with the diagnosis of cerebral vestibular accident (CVA) and schizophrenia was the greatest. However, the demand of OT for patient with diagnosis of hand injury, neurosis, and depression increased most. In pediatric population, patient diagnosed of developmental delay (DD) and cerebral palsy showed the greatest demand of OT service, whereas demand of OT for patients with the diagnoses of DD and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder increased most. These findings indicated that future OT educational programs should respond to this trend of needs change and equip students with knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the society. The accreditation and health care regulation departments also need to review the accreditation regulations, standards of employment and on job training programs to ensure a high quality OT service.


