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The Project of Inspection of Occupational Therapy Department in Medical Facilities in 2003


九十二年度醫療機構職能治療單位訪查計畫之實施自民國九十二年五月至九十三年一月,為期九個月。計畫之進行分兩個階段,第一階段以瞭解現況為目標,參考了國內外相關資料,設計出機構訪查表,發送所有地區教學型醫院以上之醫療機構的職能治療單位,請其填妥後寄回,目的是藉此先瞭解目前國內各職能治療機構的作業情形。第二階段即以第一階段所收集到的資料為本,透過專家討論會議訂定出職能治療機構標準,包含人員、環境設備與作業品質三部份共19項。每個項目都有明確的標準,分為一到三個等級。之後再使用此職能治療機構標準請各單位自評,並進行實地訪查。 總計有70個職能治療單位參與此次的訪查計畫,比較以成人生理、成人心理或小兒為主要治療對象的職能治療單位,結果發現在各項上並無明顯的不同,但接受職能治療學生實習的單位在個案討論會、專業服務準則以及品質管制措施方面比無學生實習的單位齊備。在職能治療人員方面普遍均以職能治療師為主力,在人員數方面成人心理職能治療單位有61%未達九十二年度台灣地區精神醫療院所評鑑標準中,即每35床應有一名職能治療人員。在環境設備方面成人生理與小兒職能治療單位的空間比成人心理單位較為不足。在作業品質方面則以治療紀錄與品質管制兩方面比較不足。此次訪查計畫的結果將有助於未來職能治療專業品質之促進及管理工作之推行。


The project of inspection of the occupational therapy (OT) department in medical facilities in 2003 was started from May, 2003 to January, 2004. The nine-month project involved two stages of work. The first stage of the project aimed to collect information of the current status in each OT department. An inspection questionnaire was developed after reviewing relevant literature and sent to each OT department of the medical facilities that were ranked as community teaching hospitals or above. The departments were asked to fill out the questionnaire and mall it back to the researcher. The data collected from the first stage served as a close reflection of the current practice conditions. The second stage of the project was to develop the practice standards of OT department through panel discussion based on the data collected in the first stage. The standards included 19 items and were categorized into 3 parts: personnel, environment and facilities and practice quality. Each item contained 3 ranks with definite criteria. All the participating OT departments were requested to rate themselves against the standards first, then were visited by an inspector on site to investigate the accuracy of their self ratings. Seventy OT departments participated this inspection project. Comparing the results of physical disability, psychiatric and pediatric OT departments, no significant differences were found among them. However, the OT departments that offered internship ranked higher on items regarding case conference, practice guidelines, and quality assurance than those that didn't. As for personnel aspect, most of the OT manpower were registered occupational therapists. About 61% of the psychiatric OT departments didn't meet the manpower criteria of the Year 2003 accreditation standard of the psychiatric hospitals and clinics in Taiwan area, which required a minimum of 1:35 therapist/bed ratio. With regards to the environment and facility aspect, the average ranking of the pediatric and physical OT departments on the spacing item was lower than those of the psychiatric ones. In practice quality aspect, documentation and quality assurance were the two items that needed improvement. The results of this project would facilitate the promotion of the quality of OT practice and management.


