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The Development of Early Intervention Engagement Questionnaire in Children with Developmental Disabilities


研究背景與目的:發展障礙(developmental disabilities, DD)兒童於早期療育之參與度為兒童發展與早期療育成效的關鍵之一。臨床從業人員宜定期客觀評量兒童與照顧者於早期療育的參與度。然而,台灣尚未發展評量兒童早期療育參與度之工具。本研究參考霍普金斯復健參與問卷(Hopkins Rehabilitation EngagementRating Scale, HRERS)以發展早期療育參與度問卷(Early Intervention EngagementQuestionnaire, EIEQ),並檢驗EIEQ之信效度。方法:本研究分二階段:(一)EIEQ題目發展暨內容效度之驗證:研究人員翻譯HRERS成中文版本,並依台灣早期療育狀況發展成EIEQ照顧者版與治療師版,並請早期療育專家驗證其內容效度;(二)信效度驗證:請156位DD兒童之主要照顧者及治療師分別填寫EIEQ 照顧者版與治療師版,並以Cronbach’s α與羅序分析(Rasch analysis) 分別檢驗其內部一致性與建構效度。結果:經過專家建議,EIEQ由5題增加為7題。信效度驗證發現EIEQ之第二題為較不適合評量之題目。在刪除第二題後,EIEQ照顧者版與治療師版的內部一致性分別由0.77與0.78增加至0.83;所有剩餘題目皆符合羅序模型的假設(1.4> infit, outfit mean square > 0.6)。因此,EIEQ最後包含6題。結論: EIEQ可快速並準確地評量DD兒童及其照顧者之早期療育參與度,並同時考量照顧者與治療師的觀點。因此,EIEQ可廣泛運用於早期療育相關機構,協助從業人員掌握孩童的參與度,並成為早期療育成效指標之一。


Background and purpose: Engagement in early intervention must be objectively and routinely measured in children with developmental disabilities (DD) and their caregivers. However, no such measure has been developed. This study aimed to (1) develop the Early Intervention Engagement Questionnaire (EIEQ) by referencing the Hopkins Rehabilitation Engagement Rating Scale (HRERS), and (2) examine the reliability and validity of the EIEQ. Methods: This study consisted of two phases. In the item development and content validation phase, we translated the HRERS into Chinese as the reference to develop the caregiver and therapist versions of the EIEQ based on the current status of early intervention in Taiwan. We examined the content validity through expert consultation. In the reliability and validity examination phase, we recruited the caregivers and therapists of 156 children with DD to fill out the EIEQ. We examined the internal consistency and construct validity respectively with Cronbach’s α and Rasch analysis. Results: The EIEQ was expanded from 5 to 7 items based on the experts’ suggestions, and the second item was deleted after the psychometrics examination. The internal consistencies of the two versions respectively increased from 0.77 and 0.78 to 0.83. The remaining items fitted the hypotheses of the Rasch model (1.4>infit, outfit mean square>0.6). The final EIEQ contained 6 items. Conclusion: The EIEQ quickly and accurately assessed engagement in early intervention in children with DD and their caregivers, considering both the caregiver's and therapist's perspectives. The EIEQ can be applied in early intervention facilities and used as an indicator of the effectiveness of early intervention.
