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Using the Model of Human Occupation to Examine Factors Associated With Sleep Participation and Coping Strategies in College Students


睡眠為人類重要職能活動,然現今大學生睡眠不足非常普遍。本研究目的為了解大學一、二年級學生對睡眠的主觀認知,調整睡眠的考量因素及面對睡眠參與改變的因應策略。本研究採用質性研究的闡釋學取向,並以人類職能模式(Model of Human Occupation)作為分析架構。使用半結構訪談20位大學生(大一10人、大二10人),每人訪談兩次(學期中、末各1次)及填寫匹茲堡睡眠品質量表,以了解學生在不同階段的睡眠參與和適應情形。研究發現大學生普遍認為睡眠非常重要,但不滿意睡眠時間。在學習適應大學生角色時,睡眠常易被犧牲,以獲取時間去參與其他職能活動。調整睡眠的考量因素眾多,包括個人與環境層面。個人層面主要受到意志系統影響,包括責任感、充實自我、健康因素、人際關係與放鬆休閒。環境層面則以時序、社交、虛擬(如:網路)環境為主。大學生在面對睡眠不足,主要採用代償策略,如:補眠、翹課或飲用提神飲料,但效果僅改善短期的精神狀況;相對地,較少採用能長期改善睡眠品質的適應性策略,如時間管理。建議大學生健康睡眠介入應著重調整對睡眠價值之認知,並引導發展適當且長期的有效因應策略。


Sleep is an important occupation for human beings; however, insufficient sleep is very common for college students nowadays. The purposes of this study were to understand perspectives of freshmen and sophomores on sleep, factors associated with sleep participation, and strategies used to cope with sleep participation changes. The research adopted the hermeneutic perspective of qualitative research with the Model of Human Occupation as the analytical framework. Twenty students (10 freshmen and 10 sophomores) were interviewed twice with one during and one in the end of the semester. All participants also completed the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index in each interview. The findings show that college students generally considered sleep as very important, but they were not satisfied with their sleep duration. While adapting to the role of college students, students often sacrificed their sleep to have more time for other occupations. Several factors related to sleep adjustments were noted, including personal and environmental factors. The volition system was the primary personal factor, including responsibility, self-enrichment, health, interpersonal relationship, and relaxation and leisure. The main environmental factors included temporal, social, and virtual (such as the Internet) factors. Facing the sleep insufficiency, college students mainly used a variety of compensatory strategies, such as catching up on sleep, skipping the morning classes, and drinking coffee or energy drinks; however, these methods only improved the short-term spirit. In contrary, few students used adaptative strategies that could have positive impacts on long-term sleep quality, such as time management. It is recommended that sleep health intervention for college students should focus on the adjustments of their volition toward sleep, and should guide to develop appropriate and long-term effective strategies.
