  • 期刊


Clinical Practicum of Senior Physical Therapy Students


八十三學年度,國內大專以上物理治療系(組)犬四學生共197名在19個醫療處所實習,為瞭解他們臨床實習之內容,發出問卷197份,回收問卷 183份,經統計有效問卷復,發現實習學生自83年12月19日迄12月23日,實際治療了1,772名病患,5,287個治療人次。病人來源以門診病人最多佔65.4%,復健病房患者佔14.3%,其他病房之住院病人佔18.9%。急性期病房物理治療(到病房給予治療)佔15.6%,其餘則是至物理治療部門接受治療。病人求治之原因以肌骨系統疾患最多,約佔43.0 %,次為神經系統疾患佔36.4%,其他內科狀況含心肺疾患佔6.8%,小兒病患則佔13.8%。每名實習生每天治療人數差異不小,平均為5.9±3.0人次(範圍為1.4至18.4),每名病人接受治療時間在6-60分鐘之間,30分鐘者最多。5天內病人接受治療次數以5次為最多,次為 2次及3次。物理治療評估佔全項數的11.1%,治療項目需使用物理媒介者佔24.5%,徒手操作治療佔11.4%,功能訓練佔4.4%,運動治療學範疇內則佔48.6%,其中心肺物理治療佔全項數的3.7%,小兒物理治療佔7.6%。


物理治療 臨床實習


The purpose of this survey was to analyze the contents of senior physical therapy students' clinical education programs. All the 197 senior students from 6 educational programs in 19 affiliated medical institutions were asked to fill out the questionnaires that elicited information on the age, sex, source, diagnosis, treatmet items and time of the patients who were treated from Dec 19 to Dec 23, 1994. In total 1772 patients (total 5287 visits), 65.4% were ambulatory outpatients, 14.3% from rehabilitation ward, and 18.9% from the other wards of the hospital. Bedside acute physical therapy was provided in 15.6% of the patients. The result of the survey revealed that musculoskeletal disorders (43.0%) and neuromuscular disorders (36.4%) attributed to the majority of the patients. The averaged number of patient visits was 5.9±3.0 for each student a day and 30 minutes per visit was most common in student clinical practicum. Therapeutic exereise was the most frequently used treatment procedure (48.6%), physical agents contributed to 24.5%, manual therapy 11.4%, evaluation 11.1%, and functional training 4.4%.
