  • 期刊

Health Status and Physical Function in the Community Dwelling Elderly Women with Different Physical Activity Level





老年人 身體功能 活動度


Objective. The objective of this study was to examine health status and physical function for community dwelling elderly women differing in physical activity level. Subjects. Subjects were recruited from a senior activity center. Only those who were older than 65 years of age and were non-institutionalized qualified for this study. There were 200-250 people approached and 70 of them agreed to participate. Fifty of them finished all assessment. Methods. Subjects were interviewed and assessed for both self- reported questionnaire (self-reported health status, Function Status Questionnaire (FSQ) and Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE)) and performance-based measurement (Physical Performance Test, static balance, chair step test, muscle strength testing, gait analysis). To compare the health status and physical function between elderly individuals having different self-reported physical activity levels, subjects were divided into three groups by tertile of the reported physical activity according to the PASE. Results. The results demonstrated that activity monitor responses, grip strength, annual number of physician visits, number of medications used and number of disease diagnosis were significantly different among individual having different physical activity levels. Least active group had significantly lower health status and functional level than the other two groups. Conclusion. Health status and physical function could be the limit to physical activity participation according to the present study.


