



失寫症 失語症 失讀症


Three cases of specific agraphia were reported, which showed Kanji agraphia without showing Kana reading and writing disturbances. Case NK demonstrated pure Kanji agraphia and left parietal lesion. Case TO revealed Kanji agraphia and left temporal lobe lesion. Case MY had Kanji agraphia with alexia and left temporal lobe lesion. These three cases demonstrated Kanji writing disturbance although they had no aphasic disturbance and Kana (Japanese phonogram) reading or writing disturbances. Error-pattern analyses show that these three cases demonstrated different patterns. Case NK had morphologically similar errors. Case TO shows no response and Case MY demonstrated homophonic errors in using Kanji. These results indicate that the disturbance of Kanji writing occurs at many levels of information processing. The results also suggest that the processing of Kanji and Kana involved different neural mechanisms.


category agraphia kanji kana


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