  • 期刊


Are Happy Workers More Productive? The Dual Influences of Organizational Support and Work Attitudes


研究目的:快樂與生產力的關聯是組織行為領域中最受關注的研究議題之一,本研究以正向心理資本(positive psychological capital)為焦點,重新檢視快樂與生產力之關聯,並以擴張-積聚理論(The broaden-and-build theory)為起點,探討快樂對工作績效的影響。此外,依據工作投入模式(work engagement model)來探討員工的工作態度在其中所扮演的調節角色,並以組織立場來思考如何建構快樂的生產力,即經由提供組織支持來提高工作者的幸福感。研究方法:使用結構性問卷,以台灣全職工作者為研究對象,總計回收598份有效問卷,採用階層迴歸來檢驗假設。研究結果:幸福感對工作績效有預測效果,而工作態度對幸福感與工作績效間之關係有顯著調節效果,亦即工作滿足與組織承諾均會強化其幸福感與工作績效間之正向關聯。此外,知覺組織支持可提升員工的幸福感,幸福感則為知覺組織支持與工作績效間的中介機制。研究結論:據此,我們建議組織可透過招募甄選、訓練發展與組織制度來建構快樂的勞動力,創造員工與組織雙贏的競爭優勢。


Purpose: The relationship between happy employees and high performance is one of the most venerable research topics in organizational psychology. The present study took the vantage point of positive psychological capital to reevaluate this presumed linkage, applying the broaden-and-build theory to examine the affects of happiness. Moreover, the moderating effects of positive work attitudes were also examined in line with the work engagement model. Method: Using structured questionnaires, we collected data from a diverse sample of 598 full-time Taiwanese employees. Results: Hierarchical regression analyses showed that happiness had a positive effect on job performance, and perceived organizational support had also a positive effect on happiness. Moreover, both job satisfaction and organizational commitment moderated the relationship between happiness and job performance. Conclusion: We thus suggested that organizations and managers can take three approaches to build a happy workforce: recruitment and selection, training and development, and policies and practices.


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