  • 期刊


Du Fu's Poetic Records of His Joureny from Qin to Shu and Their Place in Chinese Literary History




杜甫 紀行詩 山水詩 自然觀 隱喻


This paper discusses the literary accomplishments of 24 poems written by Du Fu to record his journey from Qin to Shu in terms of the following: the development of a new descriptive endeavor by directly describing the natural scenery (mountain and streams) seen on his trip to Shu and the poet's feelings at the time; the use of a formalistic style similar to a poetic set and an ever-changing descriptive voice to provide the reader with a group of works that lends themselves to intertextual readings; the use of clear, direct images and multi-leveled sensory descriptions to give the reader the impression of actually having made the trip himself; and the veiled encoding in the texts of profound reflections on human life to provide a richly textured interpretation of the relation between man and nature. Likewise, these poems are important with respect to literary history. In terms of Du Fu's own poetic opus, they can be seen as an extension of works written during his stay in Qin. Meanwhile, taken together with his caotang (literally ”grass hut”, a reference to the type of a hermit-like dwelling) poems, they show Du Fu's multi-faceted and complex naturalism. In terms of literary traditions, Du Fu on the one hand drew from the tradition of writing fu to record journeys while on the other creating a new poetic form: poetic records of a journey. At the same time, this group of poems can be discussed in relation to the various poetic styles that make up the tradition of nature (mountain and water) poems. Du Fu's poetic record is not just stylistically closer to Xie Lingyun, but can also be seen as standing in opposition to the poetic style that developed around the poets Wang Wei and Meng Haoran. As such, it would be a great loss if we, as literary historians, overlook the importance and value of this style of poetry and instead simply take the beautific quietism of Wang and Meng to be representative of classical Chinese nature poetry.


