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Strategies and Structural Conditions of "The Literary Revolution": How New Youth Constructed the Symbolic Struggle of Modern Literature



《新青年》雜誌所揭櫫的「文學革命」,可說是中國現代文學的起點。本文將藉由社會學家布爾迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)的概念,關注於當時文學場域中的結構性條件,以及五四知識分子為了推動、建構「文學革命」,而採取的象徵鬥爭手段。本文主要思考四個面向:(1)《新青年》作者們透過重新詮釋文學史,促成傳統漢學的貶值,並將知識上的合法性賦予白話文學運動。(2)《新青年》意識到,新興的知識分子即將取代傳統士大夫階層,因此他們策略性地去聲明「現代」與「傳統」的對比。(3)民族國家需要「國語」,因而對於採用「白話文」的「文學革命」而言,近代中國的民族國家化為其提供了有利的背景。(4)《新青年》作者強調文學與學術的獨立性格,這使得「自主」的現代文學體制得以成立。簡而言之,五四知識分子們一方面對於自身進行策略性的「自我定義」,另一方面發起爭論、博取輿論,進而重組了文學場域,也確定了「現代文學」的邊界或構成。


The "literary revolution," as initiated in New Youth, can be seen as the starting point of Chinese modern literature. Taking Pierre Bourdieu as parameter, the article concerns itself with the structural conditions in the literary field as well as the means of symbolic struggle adopted by the intellectuals during the May Fourth Movement for the purpose of promoting and constructing the "literary revolution." This article will take into consideration the following four points. 1) the writers of New Youth prompted the devaluation of sinology by re-interpreting the literary history and granted the written vernacular Chinese the legitimacy of knowledge. 2) New Youth became aware of the fact that the rising new generation of intellectuals would soon replace the old scholar-officials. They therefore strategically asserted the contrast between the modern and the traditional. 3) A modern nation state needs a "national language," so the formation of a modern Chinese nation state serves as the conducive background for the "literary revolution" that adopts "written vernacular Chinese." 4) The writers of New Youth emphasized the importance of independent literature and scholarship, thereby allowing the "autonomous" institution of modern literature to emerge. To put it simply, the May Fourth intellectuals, on the one hand, "re-defined" themselves strategically; on the other hand, they launched debates in an attempt to win over public opinions, and further re-organized the literary field while affirming the formation of "modern literature."


